army soldiers marching towards camera - hd & pal - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Army Soldiers Marching towards camera - HD & PAL
bombs exploding over farm landscape / german soldiers in trenches running out into the fields / soldiers run from trench to trench as bombs get... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:13WWI Battle of the Somme
french soldiers in trenches - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53WW1 Battle of Verdun
french troops run to attack / german soldiers retreating and giving up/ marshal ferdinand foch - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37WWI - First Battle of the Marne
bombs explode across the countryside / carrying the wounded on wooden stretchers / dead soldiers lying in the field / torched forest / soldiers march... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:35The Meuse-Argonne Offensive: General John J. Pershing
french infantry go on the attack - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33WW1 Battle of Verdun
french soldiers with their weapons walk along a path at an encampment / french soldiers gather in a german trench / pans of the remains and rubble of... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:45French soldiers inspect WWI German battleground tunnels after Battle of Verdun
official films of the signal corps of the u.s. army taken under action conditions and service in france. - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21Signal Corps WWI
french troops moving to verdun - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:59WW1 Battle of Verdun
wide angle of british or scottish soldiers at world war i battlefield. men carry rifles with bayonets. soldiers on right wear berets, kilts or short pants, one with bagpipes. artillery shell explodes in foreground, followed by smoke and explosions in bac - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:47WIDE ANGLE OF BRITISH OR SCOTTISH SOLDIERS AT WORLD WAR I BATTLEFIELD. MEN CARRY RIFLES WITH BAYONETS. SOLDIERS ON RIGHT WEAR BERETS, KILTS OR SHORT PANTS, ONE WITH BAGPIPES. ARTILLERY SHELL EXPLODES IN FOREGROUND, FOLLOWED BY SMOKE AND EXPLOSIONS IN BAC
anti aircraft gun opens fire - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35WW1 Battle of Verdun
"on the battle front of freedom, first pictures of the great struggle in picardy, to be shown in three parts on hearst pathe news" / title card:... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:05During World War I, US and French troops move to the front to fight German military in the Picardy region of France
the meuse argonne offensive / trucks, horse drawn carts and troops move along a road / troops wait in trenches / machine guns and artillery pieces... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:31The Meuse-Argonne Offensive: Fighting
damaged ship lowering flags . men on german u-boat. sailors firing cannon. explosion by ship. sailors on conning tower. ship sinking. lifeboat w/... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30England sea battles
of canadian soldiers fixing up ladders in trench in preparation for attack / hams of canadian cavalry company moving by camera at moderate pace /... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:26The German retreat and the great Canadian victory at the Battle of Arras, part 4
kaiser wilhelm ii salutes individual soldiers during troop review / series of explosions block soldiers' attempt to run across battlefield during... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23World War I battle scenes, and Kaiser Wilhelm II with Empress Augusta Victoria
naval ships en route to leyte / generals prepare for sea battle with japan / soldiers load onto ships / narrated - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:51Color Footage of Battle of Leyte
/ japanese soldiers celebrating russo-japanese war during wwi by recreating battle on yoyogi field / general tanaka, commander in chief explains... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44Japanese soldiers celebrate Russo-Japanese War during WWI
revolutionary war soldiers march on a path / closer in on group of revolutionary soldiers marching / soldiers recreate scene from war of 1812, an... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:29Reenactments of The US Army Throughout History
algerian infantry and cavalry moving to the first lines of the battle of verdun - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19WW1 Battle of Verdun
in the middle of the atlantic ocean, a torpedo moves through the water, followed by hitting a warship, which ends up sinking, at sea, 1918. - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Tornado hitting a warship, At Sea, 1918
bombs exploding over farmland no soldiers to be seen / dirt flying into the air but no signs of life. wwi battle of the somme bombing on july 01,... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23WWI Battle of the Somme Bombing
german soldiers marching. german officers standing. troops marching. officials, troops standing on field bg. wwi, invading belgium - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:081914: WORLD WAR I: GERMAN INFANTRY: WS German soldiers marching. WS German officers standing. WS Troops marching. WS Officials, troops standing on field BG. WWI, invading Belgium
an armed forces rifle points through poppies and fires in slow motion. - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10An armed forces rifle points through poppies and fires in slow motion.
germany, serbia, russia, france, belgium, italy, britain and united states during ww1 / battle scenes / pows in concenration camp - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33World War 1
headstones for unidentified soldiers are seen at the tyne cot cemetery on july 29, 2017 in zonnebeke, in the ypres salient battlefields area of... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12100th Anniversary Of The Battle Of Passchendaele Is Commemorated In Ypres
sign for the village of passendale is seen on july 29th, 2017. dignitaries and descendants of those who fought are gathering to mark the centenary of... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07100th Anniversary Of The Battle Of Passchendaele Is Commemorated In Ypres
russian army marching/ tsar nicolas ii/ field guns firing - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Russia in World War I
canakkale martyrs memorial - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Canakkale Martyrs Memorial
british battle fleet at sea. battleship at sea, deck fg. cannon barrels, ships bg. destroyer ships. cannon turning. world war i, wwi. - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20England Navy fleet WWI
english cannons firing bg. german ship on fire smoke. vs cannons firing from ship deck. world war i wwi - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21England Navy fleet sea battle
soldiers in trenches / france - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:121917 B/W MONTAGE Soldiers in trenches / France
gas attack on battlefield - tank charge - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19WWI weapon: gas attack on battlefield - tank charge
sign for the village of passendale is seen on july 29th, 2017. dignitaries and descendants of those who fought are gathering to mark the centenary of... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11100th Anniversary Of The Battle Of Passchendaele Is Commemorated In Ypres
road works uncover wwi fatalities; itn belgium: ypres: ext archeaologist digging in clay of road works as discovers soldier's sock passchendaele... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:51Road works uncover WWI fatalities
french bringing up machine guns - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:36WW1 Battle of Verdun
canakkale the martyrs memorial - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47Canakkale The Martyrs Memorial
army artillery respond to a gas attack in wwi from a signal corps official film. - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Artillery WWI
soldiers aim rifles over rim of trench during world war i battle of gallipoli / smoke from explosion in field / soldiers fire cannon / german... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44World War I Battle of Gallipoli
cheerful men marching down street carrying bags. troops marching on wide street, some ride on horse-drawn gun carriages. row of army trucks decorated... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:18Focus on 1910s - Troops Mobilize
world war one army soldiers marching - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10World War one Army Soldiers Marching
soldiers shoot from trenches and then run across a battlefield during world war i. - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Soldiers shoot from trenches and then run across a battlefield during World War I.
pan left to follow world war i era allied soldiers emerging from trenches and into battle. see groups of soldiers climbing over hills with rifles in hand. rockets explode, causing fires and smoke. clouds of smoke partially obscure view. action. battlefie - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:35PAN LEFT TO FOLLOW WORLD WAR I ERA ALLIED SOLDIERS EMERGING FROM TRENCHES AND INTO BATTLE. SEE GROUPS OF SOLDIERS CLIMBING OVER HILLS WITH RIFLES IN HAND. ROCKETS EXPLODE, CAUSING FIRES AND SMOKE. CLOUDS OF SMOKE PARTIALLY OBSCURE VIEW. ACTION. BATTLEFIE
german or russian warships, naval battle . - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:471914 B/W MONTAGE German or Russian warships, naval battle (1914-1918), WW I / Russia
army artillery shell enemy headquarters in a wwi from a signal corps official film. shots of desolation and death. - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29Artillery Shelling Enemy WWI
large artillery gun firing, explosion on distant hilltop, guns firing from bunkers, british tank moving on battlefield with officer standing on top,... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24MOT 1917: WWI fighting
medium angle of soldiers on battlefield during world war i. soldiers march with bayonets and fire guns to left during battle, smoke in frame and dead soldiers on battlefield. action. - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19MEDIUM ANGLE OF SOLDIERS ON BATTLEFIELD DURING WORLD WAR I. SOLDIERS MARCH WITH BAYONETS AND FIRE GUNS TO LEFT DURING BATTLE, SMOKE IN FRAME AND DEAD SOLDIERS ON BATTLEFIELD. ACTION.
wide angle of world war i allied soldiers with rifles going into battle. see flashes of light coming from left. soldiers walk over muddy mound that explodes in front of them. see smoke filled crater and soldiers lying on mud. explosions. action. battlefie - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21WIDE ANGLE OF WORLD WAR I ALLIED SOLDIERS WITH RIFLES GOING INTO BATTLE. SEE FLASHES OF LIGHT COMING FROM LEFT. SOLDIERS WALK OVER MUDDY MOUND THAT EXPLODES IN FRONT OF THEM. SEE SMOKE FILLED CRATER AND SOLDIERS LYING ON MUD. EXPLOSIONS. ACTION. BATTLEFIE
1910s montage allied artillery crew firing gas canisters from cannon, explosions in the distance in a field / germany - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:281910s MONTAGE Allied artillery crew firing gas canisters from cannon, explosions in the distance in a field / Germany
1910s montage soldiers in trench shooting / germany - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:091910s MONTAGE Soldiers in trench shooting / Germany
in a field during wwi, footage captures several scenes from the battlefield, including artillery being fired, explosions, and u.s. army soldiers, aka... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09WWI U.S. Army soldiers in battle, France, 1917
united states navy entering the dardanelles / mls ship's gun barrels in foreground, line of ships trailing in background - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09World War I: Dardanelles
map of belgium w/ animation of german forces invading. world war i - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:041914: MAP: Map of Belgium w/ animation of German forces invading. World War I
the mexican-american speaks - heritage in bronze - part 12 of 33. although the spanish-speaking communities of the us differ in origin, they share a common heritage and similar goals. focusing upon the largest group - mexican-americans - the film traces t - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30The Mexican-American Speaks - Heritage in Bronze - part 12 of 33. Although the Spanish-speaking communities of the US differ in origin, they share a common heritage and similar goals. Focusing upon the largest group - Mexican-Americans - the film traces t
vehicles moving through the countryside as bombs go off in the surrounding hills / bombs continue to explode in mid air across the landscape /... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:19Meuse-Argonne Offensive during WWI
the story of the somme, using objects from the national army museum's collection. more than four in 10 britons do not know which conflict the battle... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage02:51The Battle of the Somme - 100 years on
french soldier smoking in trench - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08WW1 Battle of Verdun
marshal ferdinand foch / french flag waving on wind/ french troops running to attack - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12First World War
1910s allied artillery crew firing gas canisters from cannon / germany - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:271910s HA Allied artillery crew firing gas canisters from cannon / Germany
wwi soldiers leave a trench and run across a battlefield. - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23WWI soldiers leave a trench and run across a battlefield.
verdun - the douaumont ossuary in france - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Verdun - The Douaumont ossuary in France
british army artillery is rushed to the front in wwi from a signal corps official film. - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31British Rushing Artillery WWI
troops advance across field as smoke floats over it during world war i / explosion behind soldiers throws them to the ground in front of barbed wire... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25World War I battle scenes
montage us troops wear gas masks in trench during gas attack, fire rifles from trench, advance across field / from greatest headlines of the century... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13US troops at battle in World War I
montage world war i battle scenes: infantry advance, artillery guns fire, soldiers run, soldiers shoot rifles from trench / soldiers run toward... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29Battle scenes from World War I
two french soldiers lob hand grenades at enemy line and then flatten themselves on the ground / smoke from explosion billows / smoke from several... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28French troops participate in World War I battle
australians on their way to the battle of arras during wwi - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Australians On Their Way to the Battle of Arras During WWI
battle of arras, australian transport rounding a mine crater - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:40WWI - Battle of Arras, Australian Transport Rounding a Mine Crater
soldiers in trenches with gas masks firing rifles as smoke billows above / ww i / newsreel - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12B/W 1917/18 soldiers in trenches with gas masks firing rifles as smoke billows above / WW I / newsreel
wide shot gas exploding in trenches + smoke rising / world war i / newsreel - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04B/W 1917/18 wide shot gas exploding in trenches + smoke rising / World War I / newsreel
military band marching down street / soldiers marching down street in parade / wwi soldiers working on railroad / soldiers walking horses / soldiers... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:14World War I - US Troops Parade and Battle
british and american troops help the french fight the germans during world war i. - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:36British and American troops help the French fight the Germans during World War I.
pan right to left of battlefield during world war i. soldiers come out of trenches and charge to left, firing rifles. smoke in air and flashes from artillery, more smoke fills air during battle. pans slightly right at end as men retreat. action. - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage01:34PAN RIGHT TO LEFT OF BATTLEFIELD DURING WORLD WAR I. SOLDIERS COME OUT OF TRENCHES AND CHARGE TO LEFT, FIRING RIFLES. SMOKE IN AIR AND FLASHES FROM ARTILLERY, MORE SMOKE FILLS AIR DURING BATTLE. PANS SLIGHTLY RIGHT AT END AS MEN RETREAT. ACTION.
ship in black sea with smoke exuding behind during world war i battle between turkey and russia in the dardanelles campaign / turkish battleship... - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Russian and Turkish ships battle during World War I; Allied ships arrive during Dardanelle campaign
infantry in action - ww1 battle stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13WWI warfare: infantry in action