/ large ship, ss andrea doria, on its side in the middle of the ocean / upright ship stockholm with large piece missing from one end / ss andrea... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:42SS Andrea Doria sinks
newsreel / narrated / greatest headlines of the century / passengers evacuate the ss andrea doria before it sinks into the atlantic after being hit... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:591956 Passengers Evacuate Sinking SS Andrea Doria
helicopter flies past hole in bow of stockholm as ship enters new york harbor after colliding with ss andrea doria / side view bow of stockholm with... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32SS Andrea Doria survivors arrive in New York City via the MS Stockholm in 1956
montage stockholm as it sails in new york harbor; people stand on decks; bow is damaged from collision with ss andrea doria / stockholm's stern, with... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage01:24Damaged MS Stockholm sails in New York Harbor in 1956
"special release - death of a ship - andrea doria lost in collision - one of the sea's greatest rescue dramas" / zeppelin hovering over ss andrea... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage02:36Sinking of the SS Andrea Doria
newsreel / narrated / the luxury linerss andrea doria sinks in in the atlantic ocean on july 25 1956 / red cross volunteers greet survivors many... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:221956 SS Andrea Doria Sinks
newsreel / narrated / greatest headlines of the century / newspaper headline from the news-chronicle reads: the ss andrea doria sinks / the newspaper... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:201956 The SS Andrea Doria Sinks
nurse walks with ss andrea doria shipwreck survivor, who has arrived in new york city via the stockholm / ss andrea doria in port in italy / black /... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23SS Andrea Doria passenger in New York City in 1956; Andrea Doria in harbor in Italy
aftermath of disaster / helicopter flies past stockholm as ship arrives in new york harbor with hole in bow from its collision with ss andrea doria /... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:59Damaged MS Stockholm arrives in New York Harbor, bearing survivors of its 1956 collision with SS Andrea Doria
bow of ship stockholm showing damage from its collision with ss andrea doria; ship moves slowly in new york harbor; statue of liberty can barely be... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage01:10SS Andrea Doria survivors receive aid at New York City harbor in 1956
the andrea doria beings to sink after colliding with the s.s. stockholm. - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:51The Andrea Doria beings to sink after colliding with the S.S. Stockholm.
man's legs as he walks barefoot after disembarking from stockholm at new york harbor with other survivors of the wrecked ss andrea doria / man walks... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33SS Andrea Doria passengers arrive in New York City via the MS Stockholm in 1956
montage lifeboats bob in churning water in atlantic ocean / underside of ss andrea doria, mostly submerged as it sinks after collision with stockholm... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27SS Andrea Doria sinks after colliding with MS Stockholm in the Atlantic Ocean in 1956
montage ss andrea doria in port in italy / bow of ship with label "andrea doria"; smaller boat passes by in foreground / smokestack with smoke /... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:40SS Andrea Doria at port in Italy; b-roll ocean liner in fog
montage hand taps message on telegraph key / aerial ship in water with lifeboats in water barely visible / andrea doria lists in water / lifeboats... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25SS Andrea Doria lists after colliding with MS Stockholm in the Atlantic Ocean in 1956
reverse angle typesetting frame as vo typewriter sounds; letters appear individually to form mirror image of words greatest headlines on one row... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Title card and intro for story "Andrea Doria Sinks"
woman and young boy walk away from gangplank as ss andrea doria survivors begin to enter harbor building at new york harbor / little boy walks, with... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage01:09SS Andrea Doria survivors disembark in New York Harbor after 1956 rescue
the ss andrea doria sinks in the atlantic ocean after a collision with the stockholm; survivors are reunited in new york city. - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage02:11The SS Andrea Doria sinks in the Atlantic Ocean after a collision with the MS Stockholm; survivors are reunited in New York City.
survivors of the wreck of the ss andrea doria / various stunned survivors / various shots of couples, families and children / babies being fed in... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage02:29Survivors of SS Andrea Doria
newsreel / narrated / greatest headlines of the century / survivors tell their story after the ss andrea doria sinks in 1956 / red cross volunteers... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:351956 Survivors of the SS Andrea Doria Crash
newsreel / narrated / greatest headlines of the century / the ss andrea doria sinks in the atlantic ocean in 1956 after crashing into the stockholm... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:561956 SS Andrea Doria Sinks
helicopter flies toward camera, passes damaged bow of stockholm as it moves in new york harbor; passengers stand on decks, including some near the... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage00:45Damaged MS Stockholm arrives at dock in New York Harbor in 1956
helicopter approaches, flies over damaged bow of stockholm / helicopter moves away from camera as it flies low just in front of damaged bow / people... - ss andrea doria stock videos & royalty-free footage01:18Damaged MS Stockholm sails slowly in New York Harbor, bearing survivors of SS Andrea Doria