destroyed buildings during the siege of homs, syria - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Destroyed buildings during the siege of Homs, Syria
the jouret al-shayyah and al-khalidiyah neighborhoods of homs city remain in utter destruction, marked by the devastating airstrikes launched by... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage07:09Homs' ruined neighborhoods bear haunting artillery scars of Syria's deposed regime
advancing in the strategically important homs province, a key gateway to the syrian capital damascus, anti-regime armed groups have reached the city... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:17Anti-regime armed groups reach Syria’s Homs city center
advancing in the strategically important homs province, a key gateway to the syrian capital damascus, anti-regime armed groups have reached the city... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:54Anti-regime armed groups reach Syria’s Homs city center
devastation of homs examined during ceasefire; flag flying above soldier at checkpoint man along with damaged apartment block in background - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Conflict: Devastation of Homs examined during ceasefire
armed opposition groups opposing the assad regime recaptured the khan sheikhoun district and gained control over the entire idlib province.... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:46Anti-regime groups in Syria capture Maarrat al-Numan, largest town in Idlib
exetrior hots of men and women shopping for groceries and buildings nearby with bullet holes vsible in the walls on december 6, 2011 in homs, syria. - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:30Day Street Scenes in Homs
anti-regime armed groups in syria have seized control of hama city center and the hama military airport, located on the western outskirts of the... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:03Syrian anti-regime groups seize Hama city center and military airport
on the 13th anniversary of the popular uprisings, anti-regime protests were held in the northern province of aleppo in the districts of azaz, bab,... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage07:2213 years on, Syria's civil war: Syria's north sees anti-regime protests
relatives and officials gathered in the central syrian city of homs for the first funerals of dozens of people killed in a drone attack on a military... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:26CLEAN : Syria buries dead after military academy drone attack
the massive destruction during the siege of homs, syria - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13The massive destruction during the siege of Homs, Syria
bus convoy carrying 1354 syrian civilians who have evacuated from al-waer district of homs under a russian-backed deal between the opposition and... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:25Evacuation of civilians from Syria’s Waer district
night shots of free syrian army organised protests, with protesters holding posters, flags of syris and banners protesting against president assad's... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:18Free Syrian Army Protests in Homs
the people of homs are under siege from assad's forces. shows interior shots fsa rebels sat together in their stronghold smoking cigarettes & shisha.... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58FSA Rebels In Homs Stronghold
syrian regime helicopters killed four people and injured five others in barrel bomb attacks against rastan district in homs, in western syria on 31... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage08:38Syrian regime kills 4 people with barrel bombs in Homs
syrian government forces were celebrating thursday in the old city of homs following a negotiated withdrawal of rebel fighters from the city centre... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:17CLEAN : Aleppo: Syrian government forces celebrate in the city center
in syria's aleppo, neighborhoods bombarded in the early years of the civil war under the now-toppled baath regime are struggling to recover from... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage09:03Anadolu captures destruction in war-torn neighborhoods in Syria’s Aleppo
the systematic torture centers of syria's overthrown assad regime continue to surface over time. anadolu captured on saturday, dec. 21, the footage... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage04:59Anadolu films Assad's intelligence center beneath official buildings in Damascus (2)
general views of destruction in the city of homs after heavy fighting between former syrian president bashar al-assad's government forces and the... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Syria, Fall of Assad - GV's of destruction in Homs
islamist rebel fighters, hts, on there way to homs as the insurgency take key cities in syria and overthrow the assad regime, includes poster of... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Syria, Fall of Assad - HTS fighters on there way to Homs
türkiye does not have eyes "even on a pebble of any country," president recep tayyip erdogan said on saturday. ankara hopes that neighboring syria... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage08:18Türkiye does not have eyes 'even on pebble of any country': President Erdogan
an inside look at the damage suffered in the syrian city of homs on wednesday reveals the heavy impact left by the one month long government... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:46CLEAN : Inside look at Homs reveals the damage
exterior shots of anti government protesters marching with banners in homs. opposition supporters march in protests in homs on december 06, 2011 in... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:13Opposition supporters march in protests in Homs
the head of the united nations peace mission in syria, ban ki moon, has condemned what he calls terrorist attacks in two cities. nine people were... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:37Tim Marshall Meets Homs Opposition Leader
everyday life scenes from al qusayr, a syrian town between homs and the lebanese border, mostly controlled by the free syrian army but under siege by... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:46Everyday Life in Al-Qusayr
many syrians make a living in idlib by sifting and selling iron scrap collected from devastated areas. at ajunkyard in batabo district, old... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:26Post-war scrap metal becomes source of income in Syria
syrians walk among wreckages of damaged buildings after war crafts belonging to syrian army carried out airstrikes over residential areas in houla... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage04:34Assad regime stages air-strikes in Syrian town of Homs
people of homs use 8km long "death road" to avoid siege of syrian regime, tells transporters in homs, syria on april 1, 2017. abu camal, one of... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:49"Death Road" in Homs
over 100 dead in homs 'massacre'; syria: homs: basatin al-huwaisa: ext syrian army troops and truck along dirt road on outskirts of city syrian... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:07Conflict: Over 100 dead in Homs 'massacre'
geneva ii peace talks: homs agreement; 21.1.2014 / t21011428 syria - iraq border: river tigris: various of syrian kurdish refugees disembarking from... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Syria Crisis: Geneva II peace talks: Homs agreement
syrian tailor abu halid says that people want to have their blankets turned into pullovers, jackets. pajamas, pairs of socks and trousers in despair... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage04:57Views from the besieged al-Waer town in Syria
this new footage dated on august 21, 2013 shows victims of chemical attack occurred in ghouta, syria, during the syrian civil war in the early hours... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:54New Footages of Ghouta Chemical Attack
various shots from syria's homs city on may 19, 2016. a crippling siege imposed by regime forces on the northern countryside of syria’s central homs... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage05:01Regime siege on Syria’s Homs
homs city was once dubbed the capital of syrias uprising which began with anti government protests in march 2011 - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:32CLEAN : Homs once the capital of Syria uprising now devastated
homs city was once dubbed the capital of syrias uprising which began with anti government protests in march 2011 - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:32CLEAN : Homs once the capital of Syria uprising now devastated
the people of homs are under siege from assad's forces. interior shots rebels sat in a room together in free syrian army stronghold. on february 02,... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58FSA Rebels In Homs Stronghold
ras dos meses de negociaciones rebeldes evacuan el casco antiguo de homs quedando casi toda la ciudad bajo el control del gobierno sirio - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:17VOICED : Rebeldes sirios evacuan Homs
people visit a market on january 21, 2025 in damascus, syria. homs, the country’s third-largest city, has a mixed population of sunni and shia... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15A New Syria Emerges After 13 Years Of Civil War And Decades Of Dictatorship
the systematic torture centers of syria's overthrown assad regime continue to surface over time. anadolu captured on saturday, dec. 21, the footage... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage07:23Anadolu films Assad's intelligence center beneath official buildings in Damascus
thousands gathered saturday in aleppo to attend a concert organized by the london-based humanitarian organization, syria relief, as life begins to... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage05:07Life returns to normal: Aleppo hosts massive concert sponsored by Syria Relief
life in syria's capital, damascus, continues to thrive with vibrancy following the fall of the baath regime.anadolu on sunday captured the lively... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:20Daily life in Damascus thrives after fall of Syria's Baath regime
syrians in damascus flocked to streets and formed convoys to celebrate the collapse of the 61-year-long baath regime in syria and the end of the... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:46Damascus celebrates end of 61-year-Baath regime
syrians gathered in the town of majdal shams in the golan heights occupied by israel to celebrate the overthrow of the 61-year baath regime in syria,... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage04:25Syrians in occupied Golan Heights celebrate collapse of Assad regime
syrians gathered in the town of majdal shams in the golan heights occupied by israel to celebrate the overthrow of the 61-year baath regime in syria,... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage05:10Syrians in occupied Golan Heights celebrate overthrow of 61-year Baath regime
anti-regime forces took control late saturday of the city center of homs province -- a gateway to the syrian capital of damascus, according to... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:41Anti-regime forces take control of Homs, gateway to Syrian capital of Damascus
israeli forces conducted a third airstrike on the lebanese side of the al-masnaa border crossing with syria on sunday . lebanese people attempted to... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:40Israel launches new airstrike near Al-Masnaa border crossing between Lebanon, Syria
residents of the rukban camp, home to 7,000 displaced individuals on the syrian-jordanian border, held a protest against the siege imposed by the... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:37Dozens of refugees in Rukban camp hold protest against Syrian regime
view of the ancient ruins of palmyra, syria - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12View of the ancient ruins of Palmyra, Syria
el regimen de basar al asad responsabilizo este sabado a los rebeldes de utilizar armas quimicas en el ataque del pasado miercoles en el que murieron... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:54VOICED : Acusaciones cruzadas en Siria
in syria the former rebel stronghold of qusayr is putting itself back together following its recapture nearly two months ago by regime forces backed... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:23CLEAN : Return to Qusayr shattered symbol
syrias main opposition said thursday that the fall of the city of homs to regime forces could scupper any hope of a political solution to the civil... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:51CLEAN : Syria opposition appeals for arms
the conflict in syria has displaced more than two thirds of palestinian refugees living in the country the un relief and works agency for palestine... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:20CLEAN : Fighting displaces 70-80% of Palestinians
syrian troops captured the villages of western dumayna haidariyeh and esh al warwar in the strategic qusayr area of homs province on monday allowing... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:51CLEAN : Syrian army takes villages near Qusayr
insurgents have tightened their noose around the city of jisr al shughur in northwestern syria held by forces loyal to president bashar al assad but... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:38CLEAN : Syria rebels tighten noose
view of the bedouin market in hama, syria - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26View of the Bedouin market in Hama, Syria
the massive destruction during the siege of homs, syria - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16The massive destruction during the siege of Homs, Syria
the massive destruction during the siege of homs, syria - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15The massive destruction during the siege of Homs, Syria
syria unveils a mosaic floor dating to the roman era dating back to the fourth century in the city of al-rastan in syria's west-central province of... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:00CLEAN : Syria unearths 'rarest' Roman era mosaic
gunfight between members of the free syrian army and a christian family, in the town of al qusayr, syria. during a demonstration after the friday... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:57Fighting in the streets
various shots of free syrian army members in the town of al qusayr and the surrounding checkpoints. sound bite from a community leader explaining why... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage04:45Free Syrian Army (FSA) Members
everyday life scenes from al qusayr, a syrian town between homs and the lebanese border, mostly controlled by the free syrian army but under siege by... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:46Everyday Life in Al-Qusayr
the kurdish-led syrian democratic forces carry out mop-up operations after recapturing the ghwayran prison from islamic state group fighters near the... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage04:23CLEAN : Syria Kurds hunt down jihadists after prison attack
members of the syrian civil defence extinguish a fire and search for victims in the aftermath of government forces' bombardment on the rebel-held... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:56CLEAN : Rescue workers at the scene of government bombing on rebel held city of al-Bab
homs is a divided city with regime supporters proudly displaying their support for bashar al-assad and the rest of the population hostile to the... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:26CLEAN: Syria: Homs on the brink of civil war?
the road linking the syrian provinces of hama and homs is reopened following restoration after being closed for several years because of the conflict... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:34CLEAN : Road linking Syria's Homs and Hama provinces reopens
abdumuin al-hasan, nine years old, fled the siege imposed by the bashar al-assad regime with his family but was severely wounded by an explosion... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage06:369-year-old Syrian child recovers in Turkish hospital
three palestinian brothers are now wheelchair-bound after having been shot by israeli troops during anti-occupation demonstrations in the gaza strip.... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage04:25Israeli bullets leave Palestine brothers in wheelchairs
ninth convoy of evacuees carrying people from the northern countryside of homs province in western syria arrived on wednesday in aleppo’s western... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:13More than 30,000 evacuated from Syria’s Homs
sixth convoy of evacuees carrying people from the northern countryside of homs province in idlib province of syria arrived on may 13, 2018. the... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage04:03More evacuees from Homs arrive in Idlib
fourth convoy of buses carrying people from the northern countryside of homs province in western syria arrived sunday in aleppo’s western countryside... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:33Evacuation convoys continue leaving Syria's Homs
the fifth convoy carrying civilians depart from homs, syria due to assad regime's intense assaults and blockage as part of the compulsory evacuation... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47Compulsory evacuations from Syria's Homs
third convoy of buses carrying people from the northern countryside of homs province in western syria arrives in aleppo’s western countryside on may... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:03Evacuation convoy from Syria's Homs reaches W. Aleppo
fifth convoy of buses carrying members of the free syrian army and their families arrives in syria’s al-bab district on may 08, 2018. under a deal... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:19Evacuation convoy from Syria's Yarmouk reaches Al-Bab
map showing the location of the confirmed air strikes near the syrian cities of homs and damascus. - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Syria air strikes - Locator map
turkish prime minister binali yildirim welcomed on saturday the u.s.-led airstrikes targeting the assad regime in syria, terming them as a “positive... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage04:23Turkish premier calls Syria airstrikes ‘positive step’
defense secretary jim mattis and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff gen. joseph dunford brief members of the media on syria at the pentagon april... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage04:33US, France and UK strike Syrian chemical targets
anadolu agency has filmed the terrifying moments of the civilians targeted by ypg/pkk terrorists in an afrin village in northwestern syria on march... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:32Afrin: Anadolu Agency films YPG/PKK attack on civilians
anadolu agency has filmed the terrifying moments of the civilians targeted by ypg/pkk terrorists in an afrin village in northwestern syria on march... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage05:49Afrin: Anadolu Agency films YPG/PKK attack on civilians
tour by anadolu agency reporters inside the afrin central prison has unveiled inhumane conditions and torture methods used against inmates by pyd/pkk... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage04:27Anadolu Agency films Afrin prison after liberation
tunnels used by ypg/pkk terrorists were found in syria’s afrin region, according to anadolu agency reporters on the ground on tuesday. the tunnels... - homs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:22Anadolu Agency captures YPG/PKK tunnels in Syria’s Afrin