animals: police dogs: injured police dog; england: surrey: ext police dogs in cages in back of police van/ police dog barking from open cage/ police... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage03:39CRIME / POLICE / Animals: police dogs: injured police dog
german shepherd mix playing with wood. - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30German Shepherd mix 1969
old mixed german shepherd lady at sitting a park - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Old mixed German Shepherd lady at sitting a park
in this handout footage provided by u.s. department of defense, u.s. marines with the law enforcement detachment, 26th marine expeditionary unit... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage02:16U.S. Marines conduct various phases of K-9 obedience and aggression training
"around the world with fur styles!" / large clock / model having lunch wearing sealskin coat and has german shepherd on a leash at her side / clock /... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage01:18Models in fur coats in 1933
one-legged chicken has four-legged friend; england: surrey ext graphicised seq various of dolly with her friend vippy hens next henhouse heather eden... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage02:25Animals: One-legged chicken has four-legged friend
one-legged chicken has four-legged friend; england: surrey: betchworth: int dolly seated in pet basket in utility room ext hens next to henhouse /... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage04:09Animals: One-legged chicken has four-legged friend
ext flight facilites building / police in area: federal, state & plainclothes / police on rooftop with binoculars / police with german shepherd dog /... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage01:37Prince Charles leaves Sydney for Melbourne
east germany: escape over berlin wall; itn reports: east germany: escape over berlin wall; germany: berlin: general views of berlin wall with... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage02:54ITN Reports: East Germany: Escape Over Berlin Wall
german shepherd military dog who lost leg in afghanistan honoured at london ceremony; england: london: wellington barracks: ext three legged german... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage12:21ARMED FORCES: German Shepherd military dog who lost leg in Afghanistan honoured at London ceremony
german shepherd puppies go through selection process to become police dogs; england: surrey: guildford: int police dog handler sitting on floor... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage01:40German Shepherd puppies go through selection process to become police dogs
"wonder dog teaches kids traffic rules - 'silver king' instructs youngsters in cleveland to obey street signals" / dog trainer arthur butler stands... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage01:16Police dog "Silver King" and trainer teach children traffic safety in Cleveland
police handlers train dogs to go over various jumps at a training centre, london; 2000 - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30Police handlers train dogs to go over various jumps at a training centre, London; 2000
riots as gorbachev leaves; d) east germany: east berlin: ext / night cms mikhail gorbachev and wife raisa waving from top of aircraft steps pull out... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:54Riots as Gorbachev leaves
dog in williams, arizona, made the most of... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage01:05German Shepherd Enjoys Snow as Record-Breaking Conditions Hit Arizona
german shepard and malamute mix resting at home. - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12German Shepard and Malamute mix resting at home.
german shepard and malamute mix sleeping at home. - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04German Shepard and Malamute mix sleeping at home.
dog owner in mucsony, hungary, captured her two pups' adorable and very different reactions to bubbles being blown in her backyard. footage recorded... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23Canine Companions Have Mixed Reactions to 'Bubble Time'
year old dog licks the glass door window from outside on a black rug and motions that he wants to go back inside while smiling - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27German Shepherd Puppy Licks and Scratches Door
check out how this german shepherd/pug mix reacts when it sees a boxer puppy chewing on the ear of another puppy. what great parenting! - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Grouchy dog breaks up harmless puppy fight
topi gets so frustrated with this tasty version of whack-a-mole that it decides to destroy the entire cardboard box! hilarious! - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:56German Shepherd plays whack-a-mole with hot dog prize
klaus the german shepherd has some fun with google's various animal noises. priceless! - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33German Shepherd reacts to Google Home's animal sounds
this adorable video of a german shepherd puppy who's sleeping soooooooo soundly and soooooo comfortably and simply refuses to wake or budge for... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Adorable German Shepherd Puppy Falls Asleep On The Floor
"cyprus - british step up anti-terrorist campaign" / cyprus skyline / truck with soldiers moving fast / cyprus police standing around / soldiers... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53Cyprus unrest 1956
dog owner documented her toddler dropping off toys for their german shepherd guard dog to protect at their home in south carolina on march 10.... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44Guard Dog Settles Nicely Into New Role as Baby's Playmate
title superimposed on a stadium with uniformed marchers in the foreground, "west berlin's 'finest' put on show" / with drummers in the foreground,... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21West Berlin Police show
oreon, a german shepherd and border collie mix dog from indianapolis, indiana, looks at its owner with pleading eyes. - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Dog From Indiana Has The Cutest Puppy Dog Eyes
pups were scared during a power outage - and our black german shepherd was barking like crazy. the little fat shepherd chow mix on the couch was... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33Pups were scared during a power outage - and our black German Shepherd (not pictured) was barking like crazy. The little fat shepherd chow mix on the couch was making noises I've never heard from her before - it was so funny!!
ian ezra bermudez asked his two-year-old dog missy, a mix between a german shepherd and a great dane, if she wanted to play in the snow, encouraging... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage01:07Dog 'Speaks Out' to Play in the Snow
these absolutely "ferocious" 4-week-old german shepherd puppies gang up on a 20lb fox terrier/mini beagle mix. the pups are just learning to play and... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32German Shepherd puppies gang up on playful doggy
tejas the german shepard/husky mix enjoys a good "awooo" during a scratching session. just listen! - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Happy dog howls in excitement for scratches
many different animals live on this farm, including chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, quails, emus and dogs. they hatch all the chicks themselves and... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage02:22Compilation of German Shepherd's adorable farm friends
nothing is better than spending time in your pool on a hot summer day, especially if it means spending time with your beloved family pet. the family... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29German Husky Plays Monkey-In-The-Middle In The Pool
from time to time there are various kinds of challenges that are becoming popular all over the world. just remember the "als ice bucket challenge"... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27German Shepherd Plays Hide-And-Seek With Owner
rescue dogs in shop window; england: london: fitzrovia: tottenham court road: ext german shepherd in shop window tilt down battersea dog jacket /... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage04:06Rescue dogs in shop window
battle of amiens 100th anniversary memorial service: arrivals; france: amiens cathedral: ext french marching band along into square for battle of... - german shepherd mix stock videos & royalty-free footage08:05Battle of Amiens 100th anniversary memorial service: arrivals