bad night for labour; tyne tees tv northumberland: newcastle: int charles kennedy mp posing with victorious local candidate for photocall ext kennedy... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:27Local elections: Bad night for Labour
liberal democrats launch campaign; itn england: london: ext cms liberal democrat leader charles kennedy mp cms kennedy standing with liberal democrat... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30Local elections: Liberal Democrats launch campaign
kent: lympne: day michael howard at polling station scotland: fort william: charles kennedy at polling station with wife sarah - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08GENERAL ELECTION 2005: SPECIAL 00.00 - 01.00
general election 2001: liberal democrats; itn wales: cardiff int tms liberal democrat leader charles kennedy removing jacket side tms audience of... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14General Election 2001: Liberal Democrats
liberal democrats campaign; england: hampshire: southampton airport: int charles kennedy mp and supporters down steps at airport kennedy along thru... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21General Election: Liberal Democrats campaign
annual conference in blackpool: day 3; england: blackpool: int liberal democrat leader charles kennedy mp at table with children in nursery side... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:33Liberal Democrats: Annual conference in Blackpool: Day 3
annual conference in blackpool: day 2; kennedy with two unidentified men on stage at 'question & answer' session as says 'it's all about positioning'... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:43Liberal Democrats: Annual conference in Blackpool: Day 2
annual conference in blackpool: day 2; england: lancashire: blackpool: int charles kennedy mp stood on stage with colleagues at annual party... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Liberal Democrats: Annual conference in Blackpool: Day 2
annual conference in blackpool; int charles kennedy mp speech sot - i think as long as i feel i've got something to input in this role for the... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Liberal Democrats: Annual conference in Blackpool
local/european election campaigning; itn england: en route from london to birmingham: int robinson sitting interviewing blair bv robinson asking... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage02:06Local/European election campaigning
general election date announced: liberal democrats; itn england: london: int charles kennedy mp on battle bus ext kennedy off battle bus / kennedy... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage08:49General election date announced: Liberal Democrats
general election 2001: tax row; itn int william hague mp & michael portillo mp along to take seats in press conference press sitting listening... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:28General Election 2001: Tax row
liverpool walton by-election; int labour party pkf with kilfoyle, jack straw mp and another cms side press cms jack straw mp pkf sof - i hope give... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:22Liverpool Walton by-election
november 25, 1963 french president charles de gaulle, west german president heinrich lubke, along with other heads of state move up the aisle at the... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29November 25, 1963 HA French President Charles de Gaulle, West German President Heinrich Lubke, along with other heads of state move up the aisle at the funeral of John F. Kennedy / Washington, D.C., United States
president kennedy sitting in large room while french president, charles de gaulle closes door and sits down / france - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:091961 MONTAGE President Kennedy sitting in large room while French President, Charles De Gaulle closes door and sits down / France
jackie kennedy exiting car and greeting french president, charles de gaulle / france - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:201961 TS Jackie Kennedy exiting car and greeting French President, Charles De Gaulle / France
gain; itn england: london: int ian mccartney mp interviewed sot - obviously disappointed but follows trend across europe that political party in... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53Euro elections: UKIP gain
votes counted today; uk, london, northampton / eu elections vote counting / robert kilroy-silk / phil woolas mp / michael ancram mp interviews. itn... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:37European elections: Votes counted today
bad night for labour; itn england: london: ext charles kennedy mp out of car and comments to press sot - michael howard in his speech when announced... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:03Local elections: Bad night for Labour
local and european elections held; itn england: london: int cms liberal democrat leader charles kennedy mp voting in greater london assembly election... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Local and European elections held
controversy surrounding postal voting: small parties benefit; itn england: london: ext cms charles kennedy mp press conference sot - talks of legal... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Controversy surrounding postal voting: Small parties benefit
london mayoral elections: charles kennedy interview; itn england: london: int charles kennedy mp interviewed sot - all indications are as this... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage03:04London Mayoral Elections: Charles Kennedy interview
london mayoral election: televised debate; itn england: london: islington: ext i/c as along next hughes & liberal democrat leader charles kennedy mp... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:15London Mayoral election: Televised debate
campaigning; itn england: hampshire: southampton: ext lms michael howard mp out of campaign bus and along to greet supporters howard shaking hands... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage02:06European Elections: Campaigning
postal vote chaos in local and european elections; itn england: lancashire: stockport: int i/c ext council worker running along street delivering... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:50Postal vote chaos in local and European elections
tony blair comments on british troop numbers / handover; itn england: london: int charles kennedy mp interviewed sot - don't want to see further... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Tony Blair comments on British troop numbers / handover
william hague joins norfolk farmer debate; itn london: int tony blair mp interviewed sot - i remind the conservatives that when they were in power... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:44William Hague joins Norfolk farmer debate
william hague joins norfolk farmer debate; itn england: london: int tony blair mp interviewed sot - i remind the conservatives that when they were in... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:07William Hague joins Norfolk farmer debate
blair says new government will control foreign troops; pool england: int muslim man speaking in meeting charles kennedy mp press conference sot - if... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18Blair says new government will control foreign troops
general election announcement: liberal democrats; itn england: hampshire: portsmouth: ext / liberal democrats battle bus along road / charles kennedy... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage05:45General election announcement: Liberal Democrats
election delay consequences: charles kennedy; pool england: london: int gv charles kennedy mp & don foster mp along corridor & climb up steps into... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage05:38Election delay consequences: Charles Kennedy
foot and mouth disease: charles kennedy watches cars being disinfected; itn england: folkestone: eurotunnel: ext gvs cars along through disinfection... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage02:52Foot and Mouth Disease: Charles Kennedy watches cars being disinfected
iraqi prisoners abuse photos: investigation details:; itn england: london: int charles kennedy mp interview sot - the very fact of their publication... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Iraqi prisoners abuse photos: Investigation details:
blair u-turn on eu referendum; itn int neil kinnock interviewed sot - the murdoch press have been rabid in their campaigning, they are campaigning... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32Blair U-Turn on EU referendum
tony blair u-turn on eu constitution referendum; itn england: london: int michael howard mp interviewed sot - i'm happy to take credit for this... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:40Tony Blair U-turn on EU constitution referendum
dimbleby atrium mary nightingale 22.29.30 sedgefield: cutaway vote count in progress 22.29.40 london: gir ex darlington: ext/night alan milburn live... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage02:02GENERAL ELECTION 2005: SPECIAL 22.00 - 23.00
dimbleby 05.30.27 tim farron live 2 way westmorland & lonsdale interview sot - thougt it was close, thought we were in with a chance / thought it... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage08:09GENERAL ELECTION 2005: SPECIAL 05.00 - 06.00
charles kennedy speech sot - thanks the election officials / "it is a new challenge, a new opportunity for this new constituency but it's also new... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage03:45GENERAL ELECTION 2005: SPECIAL 03.00 - 04.00
dimbleby with lord steel, robinson and portillo studio stewart with battleground graphic / stewart with graphic swingometer studio dimbleby 02.55.47... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage08:03GENERAL ELECTION 2005: SPECIAL 02.00 - 03.00
george galloway mp speech sot - mr blair, this is for iraq / all the defeats new labour has suffered this evening is for iraq / all the lies you have... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage09:02GENERAL ELECTION 2005: SPECIAL 04.00 - 05.00
cunty durham: newton aycliffe leisure centre: ext/night car containing tony blair and cherie blair arriving at count cherie blair and tony blair out... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage04:47GENERAL ELECTION 2005: SPECIAL 05.00 - 06.00
dimbleby 03.21.39 u'lay scotland: ross, skye & lochaber: result of ross, skye & lochaber vote announced, charles kennedy holds seat - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage02:09GENERAL ELECTION 2005: SPECIAL 03.00 - 04.00
tony blair mp , michael howard mp and charles kennedy mp on campaign trail / election night scenes / blair arriving at luton airport / car containing... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage03:48GENERAL ELECTION 2005: SPECIAL 05.00 - 06.00
the syria collection 2; r17120201 pres. bashar assad meeting with conservative party leader iain duncan-smith; seated with liberal democrat leader... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:31The Syria collection 2
local elections postponed because of foot and mouth disease outbreak; england: london: downing street: ext press tms press sorting equipment cms man... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage03:13Local elections postponed because of Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak
liberal democrats rally; england: west london: paddy ashdown with arm round wife mary jane and pointing upwards pull out ditto: cms side press taking... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:49Liberal Democrats Rally
general election 2001: liberal democrats; liberal democrat leader charles kennedy speaking to press sot - the more labour and conservatives bandy... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14General Election 2001: Liberal Democrats
general election 2001: liberal democrat campaign; itn england: south london ext gvs charles kennedy towards thru building site wearing hard hat and... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:14General Election 2001: Liberal Democrat Campaign
skye: liberal democrat leader charles kennedy speaking to press sot - pensioners still feel very rankled, adding insult to injury that 75 pence... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20GENERAL ELECTION: BATTLE FOR PENSIONERS VOTE:
oil industry redundancies; inverness airport charles kennedy mp arriving with other mp l-r - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Oil industry redundancies
general election 2001: crime/paedophiles; kent: ext shadow home secretary ann widdecombe greeted with applause on arrival to campaign track as into... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:00General Election 2001: Crime/Paedophiles
walton by-election; int labour party pkf with kilfoyle, jack straw mp and another cms side press cms jack straw mp pkf sof - i hope give active... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:22Liverpool: Walton by-election
devon: torbay: ext tcms side conservative party leader william hague along shaking hands with people held back behind blue rope pull out cms hague... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage03:38GENERAL ELECTION 2001: CAMPAIGN: PUBLIC SERVICES:
london: gir: int charles kennedy interview sot - labour disaffected are people who think things have not got better, tory disaffected are people who... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage05:32GENERAL ELECTION: LIBERAL DEMOCRATS: MANIFESTO LAUNCHED:
general election 2001: campaigning; itn england: cornwall: eden project int charles kennedy mp along with girlfriend sarah gurling during visit to... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:11General Election 2001: Campaigning
general election 2001: campaigns; hertfordshire prime minister tony blair talking with staff on hospital ward staff talking to blair blair standing... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21General Election 2001: Campaigns
manifesto; itn scotland: edinburgh cms feet of british soldier as stands to attention next shelter outside edinburgh castle; buckle; cms soldier; lms... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage03:31General Elections: SNP Manifesto
by-elections; cf tape no longer available england, cleveland, langbaurgh tgv countryside with industrial area in far distance zoom in tgv countryside... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage02:50By-elections
general election 2001: conservative party: asylum seeker policy; england: london int gordon brown press conference sot - when they are making... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30General Election 2001: Conservative Party: Asylum seeker policy
labour broadcast on health; 2 shot thirkettle chatting to john and margaret bennett cms john and margaret bennett as margaret sof - the story is not... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:46General Election: Labour broadcast on health
general election 2001: public services; itn england: devon int gv charles kennedy along thru room on visit to old people's home gv residents sitting... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:01General Election 2001: Public services
britain in europe campaign; england: london: int gvs tony blair mp taking seat on stage with charles kennedy mp , kenneth clarke mp , michael... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:33Britain in Europe Campaign
charles kennedy backs call to re-open legalisation of cannabis debate; lib england: london: int charles kennedy mp seated in office and talking on... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Liberal Democrats: Charles Kennedy backs call to re-open legalisation of Cannabis debate
torquay pre lib dems conference; 18.30: england: devon torquay lib dem ldr paddy ashdown mp into hall for pkf l-r lms ashdown, charles kennedy mp and... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:14Torquay Pre Lib Dems conference
battersea: ext drivers filling cars in petrol station vox pops voters on fuel tax/health service sot conservatice candidate handing out leaflet as... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage02:25GENERAL ELECTION: CONSERVATIVE MANIFESTO UNVEILED
ashdown speech; itn england: yorkshire: harrogate: int former liberal democrat leader paddy ashdown mp to podium to deliver speech to liberal... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:58LIBERAL DEMOCRAT CONFERENCE: Ashdown speech
general election 2001: issue of women; itn scotland: stirling int tony blair standing at party function beside margaret beckett beckett smiling as... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:39General Election 2001: Issue of women
local elections postponed because of foot and mouth disease; trevor kavanagh interviewed sot - could say it was briefing could also say it was us... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:53Local elections postponed because of Foot and Mouth disease
labour manifesto launch/general campaigning; london: westminster ext i/c london int liberal democrat leader charles kennedy at podium at press... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:57General Election: Labour manifesto launch/General campaigning
general election 2001: campaigns; london: int conservative party leader william hague into room to applause people in audience applauding william... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:17General Election 2001: Campaigns
general election 2001: battle for pensioners vote; pool scotland: skye liberal democrat leader charles kennedy and girlfriend sarah gurling waving... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23General Election 2001: Battle for pensioners vote
liberal democrats conference day 5 - ashdown keynote speech; england: harrogate conference centre: lms paddy ashdown mp to podium as applauded by... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:07Liberal Democrats Conference Day 5 - Ashdown keynote speech
teenage training; england: london: tcms handwritten card 'hungry please help if ya can please thank you' pull out as held by male beggar sitting on... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage02:06Teenage training
liberal democrat conference: charles kennedy speech; lib mat held gibbon kennedy appearing as up on escalator ext kennedy sitting in playground with... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35Liberal Democrat Conference: Charles Kennedy speech
liberal democrat conference: charles kennedy speech; itn int kennedy and girlfriend kissing after speech kennedy shaking hands with people as thru... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Liberal Democrat Conference: Charles Kennedy speech
liberal democrat conference: charles kennedy speech; itn england: yorkshire: harrogate: int charles kennedy mp onto platform to deliver leaders... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage02:22Liberal Democrat Conference: Charles Kennedy speech
economic debate; england: london: downing st donorcard pull out held by pm john major mp crouched next little boy holding large donorcard for... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage02:28Economic debate
spring conference; england: devon: torquay: int charles kennedy mp speech sot - labour's missed opportunity/ despite all good intentions, despite all... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Liberal Democrats: Spring Conference
liberal democrat leader charles kennedy getting onto plane int kennedy sat on plane reading papers ???: ext kennedy out of plane cf = b0461376 or... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage00:32GENERAL ELECTION: DISCUSSION OF WEEKLY EVENTS:
liberal democrats: charles kennedy; itn england: cornwall: int liberal democrat leader charles kennedy speaking to children gathered in room cms... - charles kennedy stock videos & royalty-free footage01:03General elections: Liberal democrats: Charles Kennedy