mass grave containing 59 bodies of free syrian army members killed by pyd/pkk terror group two years ago was discovered in syria’s afrin region. the... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:28Mass grave of FSA members discovered in Syria’s Afrin
turkey’s military on march 23, 2018 found headquarters buildings of the terrorist group ypg/pkk during security sweeps in areas of afrin, syria... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:18Turkish military finds YPG/PKK terror HQ in Afrin
turkish troops and ankara backed syrian rebels on sunday took control of the town of afrin in northeastern syria from kurdish forces - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:04CLEAN : Ankara backed Syria fighters in Afrin
turkish forces and allied syrian rebels battling kurdish militia in northern syria advanced on saturday to less than two kilometres from the... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:03CLEAN : Turkish backed rebels advance on Kurdish held Syrian town
turkish army continues its military shipment to hatay province, as part of the 'operation olive branch' launched in syria's afrin, on march 09,... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:20Turkey’s Olive Branch Operation continues in Syria’s Afrin
turkish armed forces convoy arrives in turkey's southern border province of hatay as part of the ongoing operation olive branch in syria's afrin on... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:46Turkey’s Olive Branch Operation continues in Syria’s Afrin
members of free syrian army , backed by turkish army, patrol in syria's azaz region as part of the 'operation olive branch' against pyd/pkk... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage05:12Turkey launches ‘Operation Olive Branch’ in Afrin
turkish commandos take an oath before they move towards syrian border as part of the 'operation olive branch' launched in syria's afrin on january... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage03:00Turkey launches ‘Operation Olive Branch’ in Afrin
turkish charity group humanitarian relief foundation continues to distribute aid to civilians in syria's northwestern afrin town, where the turkish... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:17Turkish NGO provides clothing to needy Syrian families
syrian kurds in qamishli protest against turkey presence in afrin in the north of syria - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:32CLEAN : Syrian Kurds protest Turkey's presence in Afrin
syrian kurds displaced from afrin taking shelter in qamishli and al-malikiyah in syria's northern hassakah province dream of returning home - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:08CLEAN : Displaced Kurds from Afrin dream of returning home
thousands of syrian refugees are returning to their home country for the ramadan holiday after the turkish army liberated terrorist hotbeds near the... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:51Syrians return home to spend Ramadan holiday
the chief of the turkish general staff said thursday that clearing the turkish army of fetullah terrorist organization members had made it stronger.... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23Gen Akar: Disposing of FETO made Turkish army stronger
at least 4,406 terrorists have been “neutralized" since the launch of operation olive branch in syria, president recep tayyip erdogan said on... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage05:394,406 terrorists 'neutralized' during Afrin operation
turkey will maintain its presence in afrin until it has been secured, president recep tayyip erdogan said on friday. speaking at the istanbul youth... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage06:00Turkey to stay in Afrin till security ensured: Erdogan
the turkish disaster and emergency management authority , red crescent, and another turkish aid group have set 200 tent shelters in the countryside... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:30Turkish groups set up tents, hand out aid in NW Syria
syrian families who had to flee afrin because of terror, are returning to their homes in small groups on april 26, 2018 in kilis, turkey. on... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:53Syrians returning to terror-free Afrin
about a month after liberating the region across turkey’s border from terrorists, the turkish military has opened an emergency services hospital in... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:15Turkey opens emergency hospital in Afrin, Syria
turkish president recep tayyip erdogan said on friday that nearly 4,250 terrorists have been neutralized during operation olive branch in... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage05:19Over 4,200 terrorists neutralized in Afrin: Erdogan
the parliament on friday ratified the bill calling for early elections in turkey on june 24, with lawmakers from ruling and opposition parties... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:21Parliament ratifies bill on early elections in Turkey
free syrian army fighter, who was heavily wounded in a landmine explosion during operation olive branch in northwestern syria, has recovered after... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage05:55Wounded Free Syrian Army fighter recovers in Turkey
at least 9,880 syrians in turkey have returned to their country through the cilvegozu border gate in turkey's southern hatay province in last... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39Syrians in Turkey continue to return home
turkish armed forces along with free syrian army fighters continue to search and clear the landmines and other explosive devices in order to... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:11Turkish Armed Forces improve safety in Afrin
huge underground base of terrorists was found in syria’s afrin region, which was recently liberated during the turkey-led operation olive branch. the... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:37Huge underground base of terrorists found in Afrin
turkish police and gendarmerie special forces clear the darth obasi village from ypg/pkk terrorists on april 14, 2018 in syria's afrin region, which... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage03:44Turkey finds YPG/PKK training area in Syria’s Afrin
turkish president recep tayyip erdogan said on saturday that nearly 4,000 terrorists have been neutralized during operation olive branch in... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:37Nearly 4,200 terrorists neutralized in Afrin: Erdogan
turkish police and gendarmerie special forces discovered a training area belonging to ypg/pkk terrorists in a village in afrin region, which was... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:49Turkey finds YPG/PKK training area in Syria’s Afrin
turkish troops and the free syrian army members secure entrances to syria's afrin on april 13, 2018. interviews with muhamed mustafa, mohamed... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage03:54Turkish army, FSA secure entrances to Syria's Afrin
kurdish, arab and turkmen civilian representatives have established an interim local council in syria’s afrin on thursday to provide local services.... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:06Interim local council established in Syria’s Afrin
the turkish army is providing health services to people in rural afrin in northwestern syria, which was recently cleared of terrorists in turkey's... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:43Turkish army provides health services in Syria's Afrin
more than 162,000 syrians have returned to terror-free regions in syria following turkish military-led operation euphrates shield and operation olive... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage03:58‘Over 160,000 Syrians return to terror-free regions’
various shots of a wastewater treatment plant which is under reconstruction by turkey in syria’s afrin region on april 10, 2018. residents of afrin... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:00Turkey repairs waste water treatment plant in Afrin
turkish soldiers are distributing bread to people in northwestern syria's afrin region, which was recently purged of terrorists during operation... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:27Turkish soldiers distribute bread in Syria's Jinderes
turkish president recep tayyip erdogan speaks at the ruling justice and development party’s ordinary provincial congress in van, turkey on april 08,... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage05:03Turkey calls on West to act on chemical attack in Syria
residents of the recently liberated syrian district of afrin have gained access to running water as turkey repaired the malfunctioning supply network... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:33Turkey repairs water supply network in Afrin
interior shots of wounded people being treated for their injuries after airstrikes on afrin on 19 march 2018 in afrin, syria - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47Injured people being treated in Afrin after airstrikes
turkish presidential spokesman ibrahim kalin speaks at a press conference in ankara, turkey on april 05, 2018. on the ongoing turkish military... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:41Turkish presidential aide speaks on Turkish military campaign in Afrin
residents of the recently liberated syrian district of afrin are making the most of freedom and enjoying the normalization of their daily lives.“in... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:41Civilians enjoy freedom in liberated Afrin
turkish soldiers are distributing bread to the people of syria's afrin district, which was recently purged of terrorists by the turkish army’s... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:03Turkish soldiers distribute bread in Syria's Afrin
free syrian army forces patrol in northwestern syria’s afrin region, which was liberated by turkey-backed forces from ypg/pkk and daesh terrorist... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage03:46Afrin town center after its liberated from YPG/PKK terror group
turkish soldiers and free syrian army forces conduct search operations for explosive ordnances, including improvised explosive devices and mines,... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:16Afrin's Rajo town after its liberated from YPG/PKK terror group
turkish president recep tayyip erdogan, chief of general staff gen. hulusi akar and celebrities visit hatay province bordering syria to meet and... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage05:28Turkish President visits troops taking part in Afrin operation
turkish president recep tayyip erdogan wearing military uniform inspects troops taking part in the afrin operation on april 01, 2017 in the southern... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:29Turkish President visits troops taking part in Afrin operation
turkish chief of general staff gen. hulusi akar inspects troops taking part in the afrin operation on april 01, 2017 in the southern hatay province... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:46Afrin op in line with intl law: Turkish army chief
the turkish military and free syrian army on sunday found concrete tunnels of ypg/pkk terrorists in a villa in northwestern syria's afrin. fsa... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage03:14Turkish forces find tunnels used by terrorists in Afrin
turkey’s president on sunday criticized israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu over his remarks targeting turkey's ongoing anti-terror operation... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:55Erdogan calls Israel premier 'occupier' and 'terrorist'
turkish physicians are providing medical treatment to a syrian boy from afrin region, recently liberated by turkish forces from pkk and daesh... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage05:23Turkish doctors treat Syrian boy in Turkey
turkey's disaster management agency and red crescent distributed food aid packages to civilians in syria's afrin, which was liberated during the... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:30Turkish aid agencies distribute food to Afrin civilians
the white helmets civil-defense agency, which was expelled from syria's northwestern city of afrin by pyd/pkk terrorists three years ago, has now... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:20White Helmets resume operations in liberated Afrin
turkish military on thursday destroyed improvised explosive devices of the ypg/pkk terrorist group during security sweeps in jinderes district of... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Turkish military destroys explosives in Syria's Jinderes
various shots of meydanki dam in afrin, syria on march 29, 2018. a dam in a region of northwestern syria recently liberated from terrorists will soon... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage05:35After terrorist damage, Afrin dam to be working soon
free syrian army discovers a new base of ypg/pkk terrorist organization during a security sweep in syria’s northwestern afrin region, recently... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:19Free Syrian Army discovers new YPG/PKK base in Afrin
turkish premier binali yildirim on march 29, 2018 criticized the creation of a new political party named "syria's future", launched as part of a u.s.... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:19Turkish PM slams new 'party' of YPG/PKK terror group
various shots from a concrete plant used by the terrorists to build tunnels and fortifications in afrin, syria on march 29, 2018. the turkish... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:01Turkish forces find terrorists' concrete plant in Afrin
ammunitions are seen after turkish military and free syrian army uncover ammunition depot as the search operations continue after turkish armed... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage00:55Turkish military seize uncover ammunition depot in Afrin
free syrian army continues its humanitarian aid activities in recently liberated afrin town center in northwestern syria.while the turkish military... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage03:17Free Syrian Army continues aid distribution in Afrin
locals from the syrian city of tal rifaat in northern aleppo and many free syrian army members are asking turkey to help liberate their land from... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:17Syria: Locals ask Turkey to help clear Tal Rifaat
locals from the syrian city of tal rifaat in northern aleppo and many free syrian army members are asking turkey to help liberate their land from... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:07Syria: Locals ask Turkey to help clear Tal Rifaat
locals from the syrian city of tal rifaat in northern aleppo and many free syrian army members are asking turkey to help liberate their land from... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:16Syria: Locals ask Turkey to help clear Tal Rifaat
booby traps set by the ypg/pkk terrorist organization continue claiming lives in northwestern syria’s afrin region. according to anadolu agency... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:24Booby traps set by YPG/PKK claim lives in Afrin
tal rifaat residents and free syrian army members stage a demonstration to ask turkey to extend its operation to tal rifaat in northern aleppo, syria... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:21Syria: Locals ask Turkey to help clear Tal Rifaat
turkish deputy prime minister bekir bozdag speaks at a press conference about turkey's ongoing operation olive branch in syria's afrin, after a... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage09:15Turkey's Deputy Premier speaks on Operation Olive Branch
turkish soldiers conduct search works for explosive ordnances, including improvised explosive devices and mines with a sniffer dog named as leylak... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:02Turkish army cleans Afrin roads of terrorist mines
turkish military on monday discovered a workshop of improvised explosive devices during security sweeps in syria’s afrin region, recently liberated... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage05:33Turkish forces uncover IED workshop in Afrin
military doctors of the turkish armed forces on monday provided health screening to residents in syria’s afrin town center, on march 26, 2018. the... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage03:28Turkish soldiers provide health screening to Afrin residents
children forced out of school by ypg/pkk terrorists were overjoyed to return to their classrooms in afrin, northwestern syria, two years later.... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage03:40Children return to school in Afrin after 2 years
various shots of the afrin residents after turkish armed forces and free syrian army took complete control of northwestern syria's afrin town center... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage03:13Syria's Afrin after its liberated from PYD/PKK terror group
convoy of trucks and vehicles of the un unicef and who head to the syrian village of tal rifaat to deliver aid to people displaced from the city of... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:04CLEAN : Syria: UN convoy delivers aid to displaced people from Afrin
turkish and free syrian army forces conduct search operations for explosive ordnances, including improvised explosive devices and mines, after... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage01:43Turkey, Free Syrian Army take complete control of Afrin
turkish and free syrian army forces conduct search operations for explosive ordnances, including improvised explosive devices and mines, after... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:08Turkey, Free Syrian Army take complete control of Afrin
total of 3,747 terrorists have been 'neutralized' since the start of the turkish-led operation olive branch in syria's afrin region, turkish... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:04Erdogan says 3,747 terrorists 'neutralized' in Afrin op
anadolu agency has filmed the terrifying moments of the civilians targeted by ypg/pkk terrorists in an afrin village in northwestern syria on march... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:32Afrin: Anadolu Agency films YPG/PKK attack on civilians
anadolu agency has filmed the terrifying moments of the civilians targeted by ypg/pkk terrorists in an afrin village in northwestern syria on march... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage05:48Afrin: Anadolu Agency films YPG/PKK attack on civilians
anadolu agency has filmed the terrifying moments of the civilians targeted by ypg/pkk terrorists in an afrin village in northwestern syria on march... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage05:49Afrin: Anadolu Agency films YPG/PKK attack on civilians
turkish military on sunday discovered a hidden underground hospital in afrin town center during security sweeps. during the search, the security... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage07:05Turkish forces discover underground hospital in Afrin
tour by anadolu agency reporters inside the afrin central prison has unveiled inhumane conditions and torture methods used against inmates by pyd/pkk... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:27Anadolu Agency films Afrin prison after liberation
syrians are now enjoying a free and secure traveling from syria’s azaz district to idlib province after afrin region was cleared from ypg/pkk... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage02:24Syrians enjoy free, secure travel after Afrin op.
turkish chief of general staff gen. hulusi akar on saturday said syria’s northerwestern region of afrin will be completely secured soon."there are... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage07:37Afrin to be completely secured soon: Turkish army chief
turkish troops performed friday prayers alongside the residents of the northwestern syrian city of afrin in the first salat al-jumu’ah since the... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage03:08Afrin locals, Turkish troops join in Friday prayers
total of 3,731 terrorists have been “neutralized” since the start of operation olive branch in afrin, northwestern syria, turkey’s president said on... - afrin district stock videos & royalty-free footage04:49Over 3,700 terrorists neutralized in Turkey’s Afrin op