to be installed in england's abattoirs; leicestershire: ext sheep along in field reporter to camera charles sercombe chatting to reporter as along... - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage01:46Animal welfare: CCTV to be installed in England's abattoirs
to be installed in england's abattoirs; london: int heather hancock interview sot - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Animal welfare: CCTV to be installed in England's abattoirs
to be installed in england's abattoirs; location unknown: isobel hutchinson interview sot - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Animal welfare: CCTV to be installed in England's abattoirs
to be installed in england's abattoirs; leicestershire: ext wide shot of sheep in field sheep grazing - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Animal welfare: CCTV to be installed in England's abattoirs
to be installed in england's abattoirs; leicestershire: sheep grazing in field - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09Animal welfare: CCTV to be installed in England's abattoirs
organophosphate link to be explored; england: london: int prof. jeffrey almond intvwd - talks of contamination possibilities in abattoirs. - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18BSE - Organophosphate link to be explored
foot and mouth disease: dartmoor/latest situation; itn england: london: int stalls at meat market cms meat loaded onto barrow pushed along workers... - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35Foot and Mouth disease: Dartmoor/Latest situation
foot and mouth disease: livestock movement measures; wales: cardiff: cardiff business club: int tony blair on stage at breakfast meeting of... - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:55Foot and Mouth Disease: Livestock movement measures
meat hygiene inspectors' strike; itn england: london: gir: 2 way ex westminster: int johnston mcneill interview sot - all abattoirs are inspected &... - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:40Meat hygiene inspectors' strike
animal welfare; int itn cms joyce d'silva intvwd sof - spanish abattoirs where we filmed had no idea that there was any law to break - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Environment: Animal Welfare
continuing controversy over ban/cull chaos; england, shrewsbury, oswestry cattle market tms cattle towards thru pens cms one standing tms ditto as... - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Beef: Continuing Controversy over Ban/Cull Chaos
david cameron gives speech to campaign to protect rural england ; and the home office's plans to merge police forces into regional super-forces had... - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:12David Cameron gives speech to Campaign To Protect Rural England (CPRE)
halal slaughtermen filmed abusing animals in thirsk abattoir; unidentified location: ext masood butt interview sot - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Halal slaughtermen filmed abusing animals in Thirsk abattoir
abattoir worker looks into viewer as working - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Abattoir worker looks into viewer as working
abattoir workers hang and remove pig carcasses from hooks - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Abattoir workers hang and remove pig carcasses from hooks
abattoir worker removes meat carcass from hook hands of abattoir workers - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Abattoir worker removes meat carcass from hook hands of abattoir workers
pig parts being butchered in meat processing factory, uk - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Pig parts being butchered in meat processing factory, UK
pig parts being butchered in meat processing factory, uk - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Pig parts being butchered in meat processing factory, UK
pig carcasses laid onto conveyor belt in meat processing factory, uk - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Pig carcasses laid onto conveyor belt in meat processing factory, UK
pig carcasses on conveyor belt in meat processing factory, uk - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Pig carcasses on conveyor belt in meat processing factory, UK
pig carcass is cut up using a saw. - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:04A pig carcass is cut up using a saw.
abattoir workers push pig carcasses along a rail. - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Abattoir workers push pig carcasses along a rail.
workers clean pig carcasses in an abattoir. 1955. - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Workers clean pig carcasses in an abattoir. 1955.
two pigs stand in a pen in an abattoir. 1955. - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08Two pigs stand in a pen in an abattoir. 1955.
george eustice interview; england: london: westminster: ext george eustice mp interview sot - q - "decided to respond to pig farmers demands...more... - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage04:24RUSHES: George Eustice interview
the lady and the unicorn tapestries from the middle ages are on loan at toulouse's musée des abattoirs for the first time, where they will be... - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage05:20CLEAN : The Lady and the Unicorn tapestry on show in Toulouse
conservative party conference: dominic raab interview; england: manchester: int dominic raab mp interview sot . - r.e: slaughtering healthy pigs /... - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage03:56RUSHES: Conservative Party conference: Dominic Raab interview
immigration rules temporarily lifted on foreign butchers to prevent mass pig cull; england: south yorkshire: sheffield: ext sir keir starmer mp... - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Immigration rules temporarily lifted on foreign butchers to prevent mass pig cull
labour leader sir keir starmer and shadow chancellor rachel reeves arrive at outokumpu stainless ltd in sheffield, south yorkshire where they discuss... - abattoirs stock videos & royalty-free footage02:49Starmer and Reeves visit steel plant in Sheffield