sailors cranking bi-plane out of hangar cranking. nc-4 : us navy men moving nc-4 airplane out of hangar us admiral shaking hands of crew nc-4 taxiing... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24NC-4 (Navy-Curtiss) 1914
french troops run to attack / german soldiers retreating and giving up/ marshal ferdinand foch - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:37WWI - First Battle of the Marne
1914 reenactment zoom out newspaper headline: "war in europe!" (wwi) - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:131914 reenactment zoom out newspaper headline: "WAR IN EUROPE!" (WWI)
german troops csmashing through belgium and invading france/ wwi french forces, "taxi cab army"/ marshal ferdinand foch - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39German invasion of France in First World War
newspaper headline of archduke franz ferdinand assassination / wwi howitzer guns firing / newspaper headline of the sinking of the lusitania ship /... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:35MONTAGE of World War I events
german soldiers marching. german officers standing. troops marching. officials, troops standing on field bg. wwi, invading belgium - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:081914: WORLD WAR I: GERMAN INFANTRY: WS German soldiers marching. WS German officers standing. WS Troops marching. WS Officials, troops standing on field BG. WWI, invading Belgium
b/w 1914 santa claus giving out presents to family - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23B/W 1914 Santa Claus giving out presents to family
king george v of the united kingdom walking w/ king albert i of belgium on beach w/ other officials, england. king albert i standing w/ crown prince... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:141914: BELGIUM REQUESTING ALLIES & AID: WS King George V of the United Kingdom (1865-1936) walking w/ King Albert I of Belgium (1875-1934) on beach w/ other officials, England. MS King Albert I standing w/ Crown Prince Leopold, France. WWI
ruined buildings, belgians on street. vs future u.s. president young herbert hoover drinking tea w/ men. wwi - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:091914: WORLD WAR I: DESTROYED BELGIUM: WS Ruined buildings, Belgians on street. VS Future U.S. President young Herbert Hoover (1874-1964) drinking tea w/ men. WWI
german soldiers marching along road / soldiers with drums and trumpets playing and marching through field / soldiers driving horse and loaded carts... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:54Scenes of German soldiers during World War I
farmers picking potatoes. horses pulling plow harrowing. vs horses pulling harvester machine on wheat field. world war i wwi war effort home front... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16US Farmers plowing harvesting
cattle entering chutes. belgian relief' ship at dock. men on ship deck loading barge. ship in dock small boat in harbor fg. vs workers loading sacks.... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26US WWI Supply ships freight
damaged ship lowering flags . men on german u-boat. sailors firing cannon. explosion by ship. sailors on conning tower. ship sinking. lifeboat w/... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30England sea battles
english cannons firing bg. german ship on fire smoke. vs cannons firing from ship deck. world war i wwi - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21England Navy fleet sea battle
british battle fleet at sea. battleship at sea, deck fg. cannon barrels, ships bg. destroyer ships. cannon turning. world war i, wwi. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20England Navy fleet WWI
map of belgium w/ animation of german forces invading. world war i - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:041914: MAP: Map of Belgium w/ animation of German forces invading. World War I
soldiers grouped in large fox hole in open field ground explosions w/ white smoke possibly 'white star' shells gas soldiers running out of hole onto... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06WWI Soldiers, explosions
archduke franz ferdinand of austria greets dignitaries / newspaper with headline: 'heir to austria's throne is slain withi his wife by a bosnian... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:18Archduke assassination sparks start of WWI
early tanks in combat - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:051914-1918 WS early tanks in combat
arrestations and deportations during wwi. pacifists or "bolshevik" soldiers in uniforms, arrested by imperial troops, are led to a confinement train,... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:291914 B/W MONTAGE Deportations during WWI/Pacifists or Bolshevik soldiers in uniforms, arrested by Imperial troops, are led to confinement train, get in prison wagons/Russia
german or russian warships, naval battle . - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:471914 B/W MONTAGE German or Russian warships, naval battle (1914-1918), WW I / Russia
russian soldiers' everyday life at the front , eating, resting : group of russian soldiers eating soup from one common dixie. russian officers... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:131914 B/W MS Russian soldiers' everyday life at front (1914-1918), eating, resting : group of Russian soldiers eating soup from one common dixie / Russia
orthodox church at the wwi front : orthodox priests blessing russian army soldiers in trenches, heavy guns and cannons firing. troops of a russian... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:171914 B/W MONTAGE Orthodox priests blessing Russian army soldiers in trenches, heavy guns + cannons firing/Troops of Russian army regiment stand at attention on platform at train station / Russia
hospital train of the russian imperial army . - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:331914 B/W MONTAGE Hospital train of Russian Imperial army (1914-1918), WW I / Russia
people migration : russian refugees get in train goods wagons , civilians w/ bundles and bags. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:241914 B/W WS People migration (1914-1918) : Russian refugees get in train goods wagons (cattle cars), civilians w/ bundles + bags, WW I / Russia
soup kitchen for civilians and refugees. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:091914 B/W WS Soup kitchen for civilians + refugees, WW I / Russia
trenches preparation : people digging, mobilized population. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:261914 B/W MONTAGE Trenches preparation (1914-1918) : people digging, mobilized population for WW I / Russia
1914 b/w ws ha pan factories and industrial buildings in pre-revolutionary russia/ russia - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:071914 B/W WS HA PAN Factories and industrial buildings in pre-revolutionary Russia/ Russia
german wwi troops leaving for war - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18German WWI troops leaving for war
at a soup kitchen, hundreds of belgian civilians line up for food rations, provided by the u.s.a. during wwi, belgium, 1914. work performed by the... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Soup kitchen during WWI, Belgium, 1914
during wwi, several children line up to pick up their food ration. followed by children eating together at a lunch table, belgium, 1914. work... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Children line up to get their food ration, Belgium, 1914
1914 b/w activities in and around the amsterdam ijhaven, harbour personnel at work, moored ships / amsterdam, noord-holland, netherlands - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:411914 B/W Activities in and around the Amsterdam IJhaven, harbour personnel at work, moored ships / Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands
wounded, injured, convalescent russian soldiers. field hospital : soldiers in front of hospital w/ nurses, convalescent russian soldiers rest on the... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:371914 B/W MONTAGE WWI: Wounded, injured, convalescent Russian soldiers. Field hospital (1914-1918): soldiers in front of hospital w/ nurses, convalescent Russian soldiers rest on the beach w/ nurses, take off coats.
people's migration , refugees, civilians sitting on the ground near soldiers. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:141914 B/W WS PAN WWI : people's migration (1914-1918), refugees, civilians sitting on the ground near soldiers.
1940 reenactment a dapper pair of couples riding in a 1914 dodge convertible automobile on a rural road / united states - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:081940 REENACTMENT A dapper pair of couples riding in a 1914 Dodge convertible automobile on a rural road / United States
1914 b/w ws fat man (fatty arbuckle) dancing at a party - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:141914 B/W WS fat man (Fatty Arbuckle) dancing at a party
heavy artillery gun firing / machine harvesting wheat / harvested wheat grains piling up - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:121914-1918 MONTAGE harvesting wheat with machines to win the war
delhi india gate, side view at night - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Delhi India Gate, side view At Night
crowd near india gate, delhi at night - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Crowd near India Gate, Delhi at night
front view of india gate delhi at night, time lapse - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Front view of INDIA GATE Delhi At Night, time lapse
front view of india gate delhi at night, time lapse - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Front view of INDIA GATE Delhi At Night, time lapse
india gate, delhi at night, time lapse - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15India Gate, Delhi At Night, Time Lapse
wide angle of inner city commuter train cars passing over tracks on hilltop near boston. could also be near providence rhode island or new haven connecticut. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29WIDE ANGLE OF INNER CITY COMMUTER TRAIN CARS PASSING OVER TRACKS ON HILLTOP NEAR BOSTON. COULD ALSO BE NEAR PROVIDENCE RHODE ISLAND OR NEW HAVEN CONNECTICUT.
from the world's oldest royal train to the fatal car which carried the archduke ferdinand to bosnia in 1914, several railroad rides that have made... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:11VOICED: Train lovers all aboard for royal railcar show in Netherlands
from the world's oldest royal train to the fatal car which carried the archduke ferdinand to bosnia in 1914, several railroad rides that have made... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:52CLEAN: Train lovers all aboard for royal railcar show in Netherlands
bronze statue honouring the “unmeasurable” contribution of sikh soldiers during the first world war has been commissioned to mark the centenary of... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:54Statue to honour Sikh WWI soldiers
prerevolutionary, imperial russia. people travelling or refugees migrating : crowds of people in a train station, get in wagons of a passengers train. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:221914 B/W WS People travelling or refugees migrating (1914-1918) : crowds of people in train station, get in wagons of passengers train/Russia
arkhangelsk, monastery, old market, various. orthodox church and everyday life in prerevolutionary, imperial russia : churches, city life , crowd in... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:151914 B/W MONTAGE Orthodox church + everyday life in prerevolutionary, Imperial Russia : churches, city life (Arkhangelsk), street market, crowd in streets, horse drawn carts + sleighs / Arkhangelsk, Russia
group carrying stretcher with dead man to grave / russia - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:141914 B/W MONTAGE Group carrying stretcher with dead man to grave / Russia
exodus, civilian refugees on roads, peasants leaving w/ cattle and children. misery . russian army soldiers loading carts. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:051914 B/W WS PAN Civilian refugees on roads, peasants leaving w/ cattle + children, WW I exodus / Russia
exodus, civilian refugees on roads, peasants leaving w/ cattle and children. misery . russian army soldiers loading carts. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:111914 B/W MONTAGE Russian army soldiers loading carts / Russia
exodus, civilian refugees on roads, peasants leaving w/ cattle and children. misery . russian army soldiers loading carts. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:121914 B/W MONTAGE Civilian refugees on roads, peasants leaving w/ cattle + children, WW I exodus / Russia
russian soldiers at battle-front : war hospital, wounded soldier on stretcher, soldiers at rest, exodus, soldiers having fun, dancing, playing chess,... - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:521914 B/W MONTAGE Russian soldiers at battle front (1914-1918) : war hospital, wounded soldier on stretcher, soldiers at rest, exodus, soldiers having fun, dancing, playing chess, playing banjo / Russia
1914 cannon ball knocks police off cliff onto criminal as couple embrace - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:291914 Cannon ball knocks police off cliff onto criminal as couple embrace
1914 cannon ball knocks man down cliff before exploding - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:091914 Cannon ball knocks man down cliff before exploding
1914 man fights and runs as he tries to evade capture by the police - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:391914 Man fights and runs as he tries to evade capture by the police
1914 man sits on cannon loaded bench sending cannon balls after old man, police and couple - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:481914 Man sits on cannon loaded bench sending cannon balls after old man, police and couple
1914 man stops couple from sitting on cannon-loaded bench - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:071914 Man stops couple from sitting on cannon-loaded bench
1914 angry man mistakenly fires shotgun at painter - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:281914 Angry man mistakenly fires shotgun at painter
1914 painter shoots bad man off roof - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:231914 Painter shoots bad man off roof
1914 man pours water down pipe into face of painter and woman - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:481914 Man pours water down pipe into face of painter and woman
1914 bad guy escapes to roof leaving angry painter and boyfriend to squabble - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:381914 Bad guy escapes to roof leaving angry painter and boyfriend to squabble
1914 man hits woman with rock and punches her in the face while trying to attack her boyfriend - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:241914 Man hits woman with rock and punches her in the face while trying to attack her boyfriend
1914 spying man gets upset at happy couple - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:111914 Spying man gets upset at happy couple
1914 spying man gets poked in the eye, finger bitten, and a rock to the head - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:301914 Spying man gets poked in the eye, finger bitten, and a rock to the head
1914 man dangles spider between couple - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:391914 Man dangles spider between couple
1914 man peeps though fence hole and gets painted eye - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:291914 Man peeps though fence hole and gets painted eye
1914 fence painting woman joins whistling man - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:271914 Fence painting woman joins whistling man
1914 man and woman painting fence - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:131914 Man and woman painting fence
medium angle of brown or tan foal laying on straw floor of barn or stable. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22MEDIUM ANGLE OF BROWN OR TAN FOAL LAYING ON STRAW FLOOR OF BARN OR STABLE.
medium angle of desert clay or sand dune ridge. see oryx antelope and tan foal or horse walk across hilltop right to left. see bushes. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25MEDIUM ANGLE OF DESERT CLAY OR SAND DUNE RIDGE. SEE ORYX ANTELOPE AND TAN FOAL OR HORSE WALK ACROSS HILLTOP RIGHT TO LEFT. SEE BUSHES.
medium angle of houses in town in the middle of the desert. see mountain in the background. small bushes dot the barren landscape. - 1914 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15MEDIUM ANGLE OF HOUSES IN TOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DESERT. SEE MOUNTAIN IN THE BACKGROUND. SMALL BUSHES DOT THE BARREN LANDSCAPE.