MacKinlay Kantor sits on a rock. Kantor was an American writer who won the Pulitzer Prize in 1956 fro Andersonville.MacKinlay Kantor
MacKinlay Kantor, writer, loves dearly to strum on his guitar and sing homespun ballads and tarty limericks.MacKinlay Kantor Singing and Playing Guitar
Pulitzer Prize winning author MacKinlay Kantor, pictured on board the linear Monterey at Woolloomooloo. March 20, 1974. .Pulitzer Prize winning author MacKinlay Kantor, pictured on board the linear Monterey at Woolloomooloo.
Pulitzer prize winning author MacKinlay Kantor, pictured on board the liner Monterey at Woolloomooloo. March 20, 1974. .Pulitzer prize winning author MacKinlay Kantor, pictured on board the liner Monterey at Woolloomooloo.