Horror cosplayer group consisting of Scream, Michael Myers from Halloween and two Jason Voorhees Friday 13th cosplayers seen in character during...London Film And Comic Con 2019
An actor dressed as 'Halloween' character Michael Myers attends the American Cinematheque Film Series' Beyond Fest - "Halloween" Screening And Q&A...American Cinematheque Film Series' Beyond Fest - "Halloween" Screening And Q&A With Jamie Lee Curtis and John Carpenter
Person dressed as the character Michael Myers arrives for the premiere of "Halloween Ends" at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California, on...US-ENTERTAINMENT-FILM-HALLOWEEN ENDS
Person dressed as the character Michael Myers arrives for the premiere of "Halloween Ends" at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California, on...US-ENTERTAINMENT-FILM-HALLOWEEN ENDS
Person dressed as the character Michael Myers stands behind US actress Kyle Richards as she arrives for the premiere of "Halloween Ends" at the TCL...US-ENTERTAINMENT-FILM-HALLOWEEN ENDS
Long Beach, CA Krikor Bezdjian as one of the most popular horror movie characters, Michael Myers, from the "Haloween" franchise, attending his second...People dressing up in cosplay during Midsummer Scream, a Halloween and horror convention, in Long Beach, CA
Long Beach, CA Krikor Bezdjian as one of the most popular horror movie characters, Michael Myers, from the "Haloween" franchise, attending his second...People dressing up in cosplay during Midsummer Scream, a Halloween and horror convention, in Long Beach, CA
Two people dressed as the character Michael Myers arrive for the premiere of "Halloween Ends" at the TCL Chinese Theatre in Hollywood, California, on...US-ENTERTAINMENT-FILM-HALLOWEEN ENDS
Actor Tony Moran, as masked kiler Michael Myers, wields a knife in a still from the horror film, 'Halloween,' directed by John Carpenter, 1978.Michael Myers In 'Halloween'
George P Wilbur holds a knife in a scene from the film 'Halloween 4: The Return Of Michael Myers', 1988.George P Wilbur In 'Halloween 4: The Return Of Michael Myers'
Halloween decoration with Michael Myers character is seen on a window in Andersonville area in Chicago, United States, on October 18, 2022.Halloween Decorations In Chicago
Group of Michael Myer costumed attendees, from the movie "Halloween", pass by Karl Zingheim in his "White Walker" costume complete with undead horse,...Annual Comic-Con Convention Draws Costumed Crowds To San Diego
Long Beach, CA Krikor Bezdjian as one of the most popular horror movie characters, Michael Myers, from the "Haloween" franchise, attending his second...People dressing up in cosplay during Midsummer Scream, a Halloween and horror convention, in Long Beach, CA
Long Beach, CA Krikor Bezdjian as one of the most popular horror movie characters, Michael Myers, from the "Haloween" franchise, attending his second...People dressing up in cosplay during Midsummer Scream, a Halloween and horror convention, in Long Beach, CA
Michael Myers mask signed by the cast and crew to raise money for the American Cinematheque at the American Cinematheque Film Series' Beyond Fest -...American Cinematheque Film Series' Beyond Fest - "Halloween" Screening And Q&A With Jamie Lee Curtis and John Carpenter
An actor dressed as 'Halloween' character Michael Myers and Jamie Lee Curtis attend the American Cinematheque Film Series' Beyond Fest - "Halloween"...American Cinematheque Film Series' Beyond Fest - "Halloween" Screening And Q&A With Jamie Lee Curtis and John Carpenter
Tom James looks at a Michael Myers mask from the movie "Halloween" at the Fantasy Costumes HDQ. Store October 17, 2003 in Chicago, Illinois....Consumers Prepare For Halloween
October 2023, Brandenburg, Potsdam: The character Michael Myers of the movie "Halloween" poses at the Horror Nights 2023 at Filmpark Babelsberg. To...Horror Nights 2023 of the Filmpark Babelsberg
Actor Tyler Mane who portrays killer Michael Meyers attends the world premiere of Rob Zombie's "Halloween" at Grauman's Chinese Theater in Hollywood,..."Halloween" Los Angeles Premiere - Arrivals
Geoff Boucher holding a signed Michael Myers mask during the American Cinematheque Film Series' Beyond Fest - "Halloween" Screening And Q&A With...American Cinematheque Film Series' Beyond Fest - "Halloween" Screening And Q&A With Jamie Lee Curtis and John Carpenter
John Carpenter, an actor dressed as 'Halloween' character Michael Myers, and Jamie Lee Curtis attend the American Cinematheque Film Series' Beyond...American Cinematheque Film Series' Beyond Fest - "Halloween" Screening And Q&A With Jamie Lee Curtis and John Carpenter
Parade participant in a Michael Myers from the movie 'Halloween' costume attends the 2024 Halloween Parade on October 31, 2024 in New York City.2024 New York City Halloween Parade
October 2023, Brandenburg, Potsdam: The character Michael Myers of the movie "Halloween" poses at the Horror Nights 2023 at Filmpark Babelsberg....Horror Nights 2023 of the Filmpark Babelsberg
Michael Myers at the premiere of "Halloween Ends" held at TCL Chinese Theatre on October 11, 2022 in Los Angeles, California."Halloween Ends" Premiere - Red Carpet
Michael Myers at the premiere of "Halloween Ends" held at TCL Chinese Theatre on October 11, 2022 in Los Angeles, California."Halloween Ends" Premiere - Red Carpet
Person dressed as the character Michael Myers stands behind US actress Melanie Griffith as she arrives for the premiere of "Halloween Ends" at the...US-ENTERTAINMENT-FILM-HALLOWEEN ENDS
Person dressed as the character Michael Myers stands behind US actress Melanie Griffith as she arrives for the premiere of "Halloween Ends" at the...US-ENTERTAINMENT-FILM-HALLOWEEN ENDS