exterior shots of fire fighters at the scene of air france flight 4590 concorde wreckage, hoses of water spraying flames from hotel and aircraft fire... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:30Air France Flight 4590 Wreckage After Crash
air france concorde crash:; itn england: london: gir: int captain john guntrip looking at photograph of concorde trailing flames and interview sot -... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Aviation: Air France Concorde crash:
crash of concorde aftermath; england: london: heathrow airport: ext tls british airways concorde along runway as taking off - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58Crash of Concorde aftermath
gonesse: gv crane lifting up section of wreckage from crashed air france concorde gv crash investigators removing wreckage cf = b0583305 or b0583306... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14CONCORDE CRASH INQUIRY ROW:
f) en: lawrence mcginty ** itn exclusive ** france: ext people boarding an air france concorde along plane int / plane cbv pilot pressing buttons on... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
july; in 2000 an air france concorde crashed near paris lib france: near paris: rescue workers around debris left after crash of air france concorde;... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28ON THIS DAY IN HISTORY 25 July
concorde air france flight 4590 crash: aftermath; england: london: heathrow airport: int gv entrance to checking in area for concorde as bv passenger... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:18Aviation: Concorde Air France Flight 4590 crash: Aftermath
exterior shots of fire fighters at the scene of air france flight 4590 concorde wreckage, hoses of water spraying down aircraft on july 25, 2000 in... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:35Air France Flight 4590 Wreckage After Crash
exterior shots of mourners marching together with flowers and tribute flowers being laid at the crash site of air france concorde flight 4590 on july... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:08Floral Tributes for Air France Plane Crash Victims
crash of concorde aftermath; france: gonesse: ext at night cars along road with large cloud of smoke from crash site rising in background group of... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:46Crash of Concorde aftermath
concorde crash inquiry row; france: gonesse ext/itn ext gv investigators sifting through debris on ground/ firemen walk along through remains of... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage07:12Concorde crash inquiry row
crash of concorde aftermath; france: gonesse: ext gv bereaved relatives of the the crash victims along arriving at crash site relatives along past... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24Crash of Concorde aftermath
concorde crash: inquiry results; lib london: heathrow airport: gv british airways concorde on runway outside hangar gv engineers examining underside... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
concorde crash: inquiry results; lib england: london: heathrow airport: ext gv british airways concorde on runway outside hangar gv engineers... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
air france concorde crash:; itn ???: brian trubshaw interview sot - all sorts of reasons for an accident just after take-off - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Aviation: Air France Concorde crash:
crash of concorde aftermath; france: paris: ext gv british teenagers standing on hotel forecourt as some sit at tables next tgv three teenagers... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Crash of Concorde aftermath
concorde crash: inquiry results; lib england: london: heathrow airport: ext gvs british airways concorde in hangar air view ba concordes sitting... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
air france concorde crash:; itn ???: ext kieran daly interview sot - unlikely that wings cracks had anything to with crash - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Aviation: Air France Concorde crash:
air france concorde crash:; itn england: kent: farnborough: ext paul beaver interview sot - fire in one of the engines - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18Aviation: Air France Concorde crash:
air france concorde crash:; itn england: paul beaver interviewed sot - pilot will automatically swing into emergency procedures / failure must have... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Aviation: Air France Concorde crash:
gonesse: ext gv crane lifting up section of wreckage from crashed air france concorde af 4590 gv engine being lifted gvs wreckage being cleared by... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22CONCORDE CRASH INQUIRY ROW:
crash of concorde aftermath; france: gonesse: ext gv line of mortuary vans towards and past as sirens heard sot ground to air air france plane... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:41Crash of Concorde aftermath
concorde air france flight 4590 crash: gonesse reactions; france: charles de gaulle airport: ext reporter to camera sot int people at check-in desks... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:58Aviation: Concorde Air France Flight 4590 crash: Gonesse reactions
gonesse: ext gv crane lifting up section of wreckage from crashed air france concorde af 4590 gv engine being lifted gv wreckage on back of truck gv... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20CONCORDE CRASH INQUIRY ROW:
concorde crash: inquiry results; itn int gv crash investigation press conference alain bouillard press conference sot 42 the pilot gets the order to... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
london: gv british airways concorde taxiing on runway concorde towads along runway concorde taking off - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25CONCORDE CRASH INQUIRY ROW:
air france concorde crash:; v)en: robert moore itn england: london: heathrow airport: ext british airways concorde landing - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18Aviation: Air France Concorde crash:
concorde crash: inquiry results; itn int gv crash investigation press conference - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
concorde crash: inquiry results; itn int paul-louis arslanian press conference sot - at four thirty local time a runway inspection was performed then... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:38Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
engine work; int eric derivry interview sot - there is something else other than one engine failure, there was another problem - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Concorde crash: Engine work
concorde crash: inquiry results; lib france: paris: charles de gaulle airport: air view control tower int air traffic controllers at work in tower - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
concorde crash: inquiry results; itn int gvs crash investigation press conference - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
safety scare; concorde: safety scare; itn england: london: heathrow airport: concorde along runway then takes off on flight to new york vox pops... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:13Concorde: Safety scare
concorde crash: inquiry results; i/c - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:26Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
concorde crash: inquiry results; itn england: london: heathrow airport: gv british airways concorde parked on runway outside hangar - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:05Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
safety scare; england: london: heathrow airport: ext gv british airways concorde plane along runway as taking off gir: int chris hodgkinson... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Concorde: Safety scare
concorde crash: inquiry results; itn int gvs crash investigation press conference - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
concord fleet grounded following crash report; england: london/ heathrow airport int/itn gvs passengers queue at check in desks/ british airways... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage07:54Concord fleet grounded following crash report
exterior shots of guests arriving for a memorial service for victims of the air france concorde flight 4590 crash at l'eglise de la madeleine... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:29Memorial Service for Air France Concorde Crash
interior shots of guests arriving at a memorial service for victims of the air france concorde flight 4590 crash at l'eglise de la madeleine... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:43Memorial Service for Air France Concorde Crash
air france concorde crash:; itn england: kent: farnborough: paul beaver interview sot - concorde has a special place in the hearts of british and... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Aviation: Air France Concorde crash:
air france concorde crash:; itn england: london: gir: int christopher orlebar interview sot - flying for 25 years / most tested airliner - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Aviation: Air France Concorde crash:
london: int captain steve last interviewed sot - permissable to fly plane with thrust reverser not working - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
crash of concorde aftermath; france: paris: ext gv suffolk youth orchestra playing on bandstand cms girl playing clarinet cms girl playing french... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Crash of Concorde aftermath
crash of concorde aftermath; france: paris: int francois brousse press conference sot. - there was work done just before the flight / there was a... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:15Crash of Concorde aftermath
concorde air france flight 4590 crash: germany reactions; germany: moenchengladbach: ext gv adult education college building building with sign... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21Aviation: Concorde Air France Flight 4590 crash: Germany reactions
it was a decade ago but residents of the french town of gonesse still remember the fireball and smoke that descended upon them as the supersonic... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:09VOICED: Remembering as the Concorde came down
engine work; i/c tx 28.7.2000/ltn - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Concorde crash: Engine work
concorde crash: inquiry results; itn england: ???: chris yates interviewed sot - in the case of charles de gaulle those runway inspections were... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
concorde crash: inquiry results; itn england: ???: chris yates interviewed sot - in the case of charles de gaulle those runway inspections were... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Transport/Disasters: Concorde Crash: Inquiry Results
patrick amar interviewed sot - ask for measures to be taken in order to fly again and we have to wait to find out if we can take enough measures to... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16CONCORDE CRASH INQUIRY ROW:
patrick amar interviewed sot - he was in the administration council of air france and was representing the state - we don't have any problem with the... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:41CONCORDE CRASH INQUIRY ROW:
gonesse: ext i/c cf = b0583273 or b0557014 23.25.31 to 23.26.57 mix/fx pab = b0581022 - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13CONCORDE CRASH INQUIRY ROW:
gonesse: ext gv crane lifting up section of wreckage from crashed air france concorde af 4590 gv engine being lifted gvs wreckage being cleared by... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22CONCORDE CRASH INQUIRY ROW:
crash investigators examining wreckage gv wreckage placed on back of truck gv crane lifting wreckage from crash site cf = b0545998 or b0558259... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13CONCORDE CRASH INQUIRY ROW:
exterior shots of police officers unloading boxes of evidence and wreckage for analysis and investigators arriving at salle de spectacles jacques... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:12Investigation into Air France Concorde Crash Begin
exterior shots of news crews, satellite trucks & reporters at the scene of air france flight 4590 concorde crash, and police officers patrolling a... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:45News Crews at Air France Flight 4590 Crash Site
french court has cleared continental airlines of any crime over the july 2000 crash of an air france concorde but upheld a ruling that the us airline... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:38CLEAN : Continental cleared
french court is set to rule for a second time thursday on continentals role in the 2000 concorde plane crash outside of paris that killed 113 people.... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:44CLEAN : French court to rule
air france concorde crash:; itn england: kent: farnborough: ext paul beaver interview sot - do not believe that cracks in the wings of concorde... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:12Aviation: Air France Concorde crash:
air france concorde crash:; itn england: ext paul beaver interviewed sot - they made sure that the british airways concorde's were ready to fly , air... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:22Aviation: Air France Concorde crash:
air france concorde crash:; itn england: london: heathrow airport: captain john hutchinson interview sot - very sad day - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Aviation: Air France Concorde crash:
london: int captain steve last interviewed sot - possible theories for crash farnborough air show: gv people looking at rolls royce engine on display... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:04CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
a)nn: lawrence mcginty england: london: heathrow airport: int gv entrance to checking in area for concorde as bv passenger away pushing trolley gv... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:46CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
duxford aviation museum: int reporter to camera gv red boxes housing two engines side by side pull out to i/c bristol: ext gv sign "rolls-royce" gv... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:05CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
london: gir: int captain john guntrip interview sot - something has dramatically gone wrong / concorde crews are very highly trained usa: new york:... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:31CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
london: gir: int captain john guntrip interview sot - something has dramatically gone wrong / concorde crews are very highly trained reporter to... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
london: gir: int chris hodgkinson interview sot - re concorde crash - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
hampshire: farnborough: farnborough air show: int gv rolls royce engines on display in rolls royce pavilion at farnborough air show gv engine gv two... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
hampshire: farnborough air show: int gv rolls royce engines on display in rolls royce pavilion at farnborough air show ext john rose interview sot -... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
london: gir: int chris hodgkinson interview sot - crew would be fighting to keep plane airborne / don't know what could have caused accident - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
i)c5f: catherine jones engines france: ext air france concorde taxiing towards - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:08CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
london: int captain mike bannister interview sot - sure that aeroplane was kept pristinely over all of those years / have confidence in flying the... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
b)c4n: julian rush england: london: heathrow airport: ext side gv concorde with new wavy tail design taking off - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
london: gir: int chris hodgkinson interview sot - pilot would be solely concerned with take off - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
london: gir: int chris hodgkinson interview sot - talks about pilot's training - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
london: gir: int chris hodgkinson interview sot - talks about what crew would do when saw a problem - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
london: heathrow airport: ext concorde taking off hampshire: farnborough: captain john hutchinson interviewed sot - discusses why pilot carried on... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:36CONCORDE CRASH EXPLANATION
crash of concorde aftermath; france: gonesse: ext i/c sot tx 26.7.2000/ltn - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:23Crash of Concorde aftermath
crash of concorde aftermath; france: paris: int francois brousse press conference sot. - there was work done just before the flight / there was a... - the concorde crash of 2000 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Crash of Concorde aftermath