Manufacturing fiberglass fabric

Title card, "Glass Enters War of Fibers" / VS a large herd of sheep / African-Americans picking cotton / diagonal wipe to show a mechanical loom (wipe) a woman's hand with spindles (wipe) spindles / VS material pours into a bin in front of a furnace / man pushing a rod into the oven / a white blanket of the spun glass rolls forward on a conveyor belt and it's cut into bales / worker uses a pitchfork to load the fibers that tumble into a wire basket / fibers fall down chute / VS a sheet of the material moves slowly forward and shiny threads fall / spindles unrolling fibers / revolving spools / VS a woman holds comforter / a flaming piece of paper is dropped onto the fiberglass sheet / A man reading a book misses his ashtray and the burning cigarette drops on the floor / looking over the shoulder of a woman typing / a woman in a peaked hat knitting / a woman models an outfit / Note: exact year not known
Title card, "Glass Enters War of Fibers" / VS a large herd of sheep / African-Americans picking cotton / diagonal wipe to show a mechanical loom (wipe) a woman's hand with spindles (wipe) spindles / VS material pours into a bin in front of a furnace / man pushing a rod into the oven / a white blanket of the spun glass rolls forward on a conveyor belt and it's cut into bales / worker uses a pitchfork to load the fibers that tumble into a wire basket / fibers fall down chute / VS a sheet of the material moves slowly forward and shiny threads fall / spindles unrolling fibers / revolving spools / VS a woman holds comforter / a flaming piece of paper is dropped onto the fiberglass sheet / A man reading a book misses his ashtray and the burning cigarette drops on the floor / looking over the shoulder of a woman typing / a woman in a peaked hat knitting / a woman models an outfit / Note: exact year not known

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Editorial #:
Sherman Grinberg Library
Date created:
January 01, 1936
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Release info:
Not released. More information
Clip length:
United States
Mastered to:
QuickTime 10-bit ProRes 422 (HQ) HD 1920x1080 23.98p
Originally shot on:
35mm B/W Neg
Sherman Grinberg Library
Object name: