Conflict: 'The Tiger Forces' elite unit of Syrian army fighting against Islamic State militants

Conflict: 'The Tiger Forces' elite unit of Syrian army fighting against Islamic State militants; SYRIA: Eastern Hama: EXT Fighter jet along in sky Cloud of smoke rising on horizon Men leaning on wall looking over countryside Smoke trails in blue sky Vehicle along dusty road Jet flying over countryside Rporter to camera Vehicle towards past Syrian flag at checkpoint (?) Man on donkey with herd of sheep along by road **Yassin interview partly overlaid SOT (Subtitled) Child along seen beyond cables Colonel Samer Yassin interview SOT (Subtitled) Soldiers (The Tiger Forces) along to cars Man looking out over countryside Back view soldiers aiming gun Soldier holding gun Colonel Samer Yassin interview SOT (Subtitled) Soldiers on mound of soil Soldiers behind sand bags firing gunand smoke rising on horizon Colonel Samer Yassin interview SOT (Subtitled) CUTAWAYS Various of soldiers standing INT CAR PASSENGER'S POINT OF VIEW as Yassin driving along road PASSENGER'S POINT OF VIEW Burnt out wreckage of truck at roadside Colonel Samer Yassin interview as driving and showing reporter knife SOT (Subtitled) EXT Soldiers on artillery vehicle Soldier aiming weapon Soldier loading shell Cannon weapon being fired from artillery vehicle Smoke rising from countryside Soldier loading weapon Cannon Weapon being fired Wide shot countryside Soldiers listening to radio and taking notes Soldiers listening to radio and messaging back SOT (Subtitled) Reporter to camera Tank barrel Soldiers away to vehicles Tank firing and dust rising Soldiers Soldiers sitting with reporter Vox pops (The Tiger Forces soldiers) (Subtitled) Reporter along with Colonel Samer Yassin Seiezed bomb shells on ground Colonel Samer Yassin decribing truck seized from IS militants SOT (Subtitled) INT Various of Yassin showing reporter videos of Islamic State positions Colonel Samer Yassin interview SOT (Subtitled...
Conflict: 'The Tiger Forces' elite unit of Syrian army fighting against Islamic State militants; SYRIA: Eastern Hama: EXT Fighter jet along in sky Cloud of smoke rising on horizon Men leaning on wall looking over countryside Smoke trails in blue sky Vehicle along dusty road Jet flying over countryside Rporter to camera Vehicle towards past Syrian flag at checkpoint (?) Man on donkey with herd of sheep along by road **Yassin interview partly overlaid SOT (Subtitled) Child along seen beyond cables Colonel Samer Yassin interview SOT (Subtitled) Soldiers (The Tiger Forces) along to cars Man looking out over countryside Back view soldiers aiming gun Soldier holding gun Colonel Samer Yassin interview SOT (Subtitled) Soldiers on mound of soil Soldiers behind sand bags firing gunand smoke rising on horizon Colonel Samer Yassin interview SOT (Subtitled) CUTAWAYS Various of soldiers standing INT CAR PASSENGER'S POINT OF VIEW as Yassin driving along road PASSENGER'S POINT OF VIEW Burnt out wreckage of truck at roadside Colonel Samer Yassin interview as driving and showing reporter knife SOT (Subtitled) EXT Soldiers on artillery vehicle Soldier aiming weapon Soldier loading shell Cannon weapon being fired from artillery vehicle Smoke rising from countryside Soldier loading weapon Cannon Weapon being fired Wide shot countryside Soldiers listening to radio and taking notes Soldiers listening to radio and messaging back SOT (Subtitled) Reporter to camera Tank barrel Soldiers away to vehicles Tank firing and dust rising Soldiers Soldiers sitting with reporter Vox pops (The Tiger Forces soldiers) (Subtitled) Reporter along with Colonel Samer Yassin Seiezed bomb shells on ground Colonel Samer Yassin decribing truck seized from IS militants SOT (Subtitled) INT Various of Yassin showing reporter videos of Islamic State positions Colonel Samer Yassin interview SOT (Subtitled...

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Date created:
July 11, 2017
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