Masstricht treaty vote

Masstricht treaty vote; MS Gowing i/c SOT (amidst Legoland) INT LA CMS Christian Majgaard (Vice Pres, Lego) intvwd SOT - we won't close anything in Denmark if there is a 'no' vote but it would change our considerations for future planning TCS Lego figures on work bench CS Worker CS Hands hold lego pieces CMS SIDE worker making lego pieces (last 4 shots = 12 secs) MS Lego staff sitting around table with Gowing CMS One talking CMS Another ditto CMS Knud Erik Gaarde (Lego Shop Steward) intvwd SOT - unemployment is most important thing / company has not pressurised staff to vote 'yes' - it has provided information EXT LA CMS Field gun pulled along in pro-'yes' rally CMS Young people's band along & past in military-style uniform CMS One towards TRACK BACK PAN R-L gun pulled behind MS People in cart pulled along LMS Poul Nyrub Rasmussen (Danish PM) strolling towards into campaign gathering BV Rasmussen along street TRACK FORWARD (not recognised by people, no security) INT CMS Balloon filled from gas cylinder CMS Man giving away balloon CMS Cartoon character holding EC & Danish flags CS "Ja" (yes) EXT CMS Boy standing next field gun MS SIDE boy hits gun to set it off (nothing happens) CMS Rasmussen puts fingers in ears PAN R-L CMS Boy hits gun (doesn't go off) & looks confused CMS Rasmussen seated at outside table laughing SOT & holding glass of beer ZOOM IN as drinks TBV Rasmussen with press around TCMS Rasmussen with cigarette in mouth CMS Vox pops SOT TCMS Food on barbeque LA CMS Rasmussen speaking (not heard) CMS Rasmussen chatting locals CMS Poul Nyrub Rasmussen (Danish PM) intvwd SOT - International Court in The Hague can arbitrate over Edinburgh Agreement if necessary LMS Man walking dogs towards & past CMS Women drinking beer CMS People ditto CMS Old m...
Masstricht treaty vote; MS Gowing i/c SOT (amidst Legoland) INT LA CMS Christian Majgaard (Vice Pres, Lego) intvwd SOT - we won't close anything in Denmark if there is a 'no' vote but it would change our considerations for future planning TCS Lego figures on work bench CS Worker CS Hands hold lego pieces CMS SIDE worker making lego pieces (last 4 shots = 12 secs) MS Lego staff sitting around table with Gowing CMS One talking CMS Another ditto CMS Knud Erik Gaarde (Lego Shop Steward) intvwd SOT - unemployment is most important thing / company has not pressurised staff to vote 'yes' - it has provided information EXT LA CMS Field gun pulled along in pro-'yes' rally CMS Young people's band along & past in military-style uniform CMS One towards TRACK BACK PAN R-L gun pulled behind MS People in cart pulled along LMS Poul Nyrub Rasmussen (Danish PM) strolling towards into campaign gathering BV Rasmussen along street TRACK FORWARD (not recognised by people, no security) INT CMS Balloon filled from gas cylinder CMS Man giving away balloon CMS Cartoon character holding EC & Danish flags CS "Ja" (yes) EXT CMS Boy standing next field gun MS SIDE boy hits gun to set it off (nothing happens) CMS Rasmussen puts fingers in ears PAN R-L CMS Boy hits gun (doesn't go off) & looks confused CMS Rasmussen seated at outside table laughing SOT & holding glass of beer ZOOM IN as drinks TBV Rasmussen with press around TCMS Rasmussen with cigarette in mouth CMS Vox pops SOT TCMS Food on barbeque LA CMS Rasmussen speaking (not heard) CMS Rasmussen chatting locals CMS Poul Nyrub Rasmussen (Danish PM) intvwd SOT - International Court in The Hague can arbitrate over Edinburgh Agreement if necessary LMS Man walking dogs towards & past CMS Women drinking beer CMS People ditto CMS Old m...

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Date created:
May 17, 1993
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