Foot and Mouth disease special

Foot and Mouth disease special; ITN ENGLAND EXT CMS Rusty hinge of gate as creaks open SOT MS Falling down dry stone wall with wire fence next as crow flies over it GV Green fields with stone wall in centre GV Empty corridor in barn seen through gate CMS Chain rattling on post GV Empty milking room seen through door GV Farmhouse LS Simon Foster (Farmer) sitting typing slowly at computer seen through window CMS ditto INT Simon Foster (Farmer) interview SOT - the EU declared in 1998 that they wished the livestock population of this country to be decreased by 25% / Foot and Mouth arrived very conveniently / in my view it is being used as the vehicle to achieve these ends SIDE CMS Man shouting in meeting of farmers SOT and looking angry CMS Woman saying SOT - three and a half thousand pounds for one animal MS People in meeting applauding BV Two men sitting on stage with audience seen beyond LA CMS Man sitting on stage PAN to angry farmers in audience CMSs Farmers sitting in meeting (2 shots) TGV Woman speaking in meeting SOT - MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries) has got a plan CMS Man CMS Woman in audience Man speaking (not seen) SOT - a MAFF officer admitted to me less than 10 days ago that they were preparing for this outbreak last November (applause SOT) CMS Flames LA GV Smoking chimney Hilary Peters making cup of tea standing next to coal stove in her converted ambulance home LA CMS Peters taking down cups and along with them from surface TCMS Peters' fingers on keyboard SIDE CS Peters BV Peters at work with dog sitting on bed in b/g EXT LS Peters' ambulance along country lane GV Peters' ambulance towards over hump backed bridge and past Ambulance towards and past INT / AMBULANCE Hilary Peters interview as driving SOT - (male) farmers are frightened every time they see a lorry go past or helicopter overhead / farmers who still have their animals have been silenced by so much intimidatio...
Foot and Mouth disease special; ITN ENGLAND EXT CMS Rusty hinge of gate as creaks open SOT MS Falling down dry stone wall with wire fence next as crow flies over it GV Green fields with stone wall in centre GV Empty corridor in barn seen through gate CMS Chain rattling on post GV Empty milking room seen through door GV Farmhouse LS Simon Foster (Farmer) sitting typing slowly at computer seen through window CMS ditto INT Simon Foster (Farmer) interview SOT - the EU declared in 1998 that they wished the livestock population of this country to be decreased by 25% / Foot and Mouth arrived very conveniently / in my view it is being used as the vehicle to achieve these ends SIDE CMS Man shouting in meeting of farmers SOT and looking angry CMS Woman saying SOT - three and a half thousand pounds for one animal MS People in meeting applauding BV Two men sitting on stage with audience seen beyond LA CMS Man sitting on stage PAN to angry farmers in audience CMSs Farmers sitting in meeting (2 shots) TGV Woman speaking in meeting SOT - MAFF (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries) has got a plan CMS Man CMS Woman in audience Man speaking (not seen) SOT - a MAFF officer admitted to me less than 10 days ago that they were preparing for this outbreak last November (applause SOT) CMS Flames LA GV Smoking chimney Hilary Peters making cup of tea standing next to coal stove in her converted ambulance home LA CMS Peters taking down cups and along with them from surface TCMS Peters' fingers on keyboard SIDE CS Peters BV Peters at work with dog sitting on bed in b/g EXT LS Peters' ambulance along country lane GV Peters' ambulance towards over hump backed bridge and past Ambulance towards and past INT / AMBULANCE Hilary Peters interview as driving SOT - (male) farmers are frightened every time they see a lorry go past or helicopter overhead / farmers who still have their animals have been silenced by so much intimidatio...

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Date created:
June 30, 2001
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