American Tobacco Historic District, Bull Durham, Durham, North Carolina - stock photo

The American Tobacco Historic District is a former tobacco factory complex and now a national historic district in Durham, North Carolina. The district is part of a large urban renewal project in downtown Durham. American Tobacco Company was once the largest manufacturer of cigarettes in the United States. The Old Bull neon sign is a tribute to the Bull Durham Tobacco Company, which was manufactured in the restored Italiante styled building the sign sits on.
The American Tobacco Historic District is a former tobacco factory complex and now a national historic district in Durham, North Carolina. The district is part of a large urban renewal project in downtown Durham. American Tobacco Company was once the largest manufacturer of cigarettes in the United States. The Old Bull neon sign is a tribute to the Bull Durham Tobacco Company, which was manufactured in the restored Italiante styled building the sign sits on.
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American Tobacco Historic District,  Bull Durham, Durham, North Carolina
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Getty ImagesAmerican Tobacco Historic District Bull Durham Durham North Carolina High-Res Stock PhotoAmerican Tobacco Historic District Bull Durham Durham North Carolina High-Res Stock PhotoDownload premium, authentic American Tobacco Historic District, Bull Durham, Durham, North Carolina stock photos from Getty Images. Explore similar high-resolution stock photos in our expansive visual catalogue.Product #:1417773150
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Durham, North Carolina, United States
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