To go with AFP story "Vietnam-US-militar...

Hanoi, VIET NAM: To go with AFP story "Vietnam-US-military-health-AgentOrange,sched" by Frank Zeller Former North Vietnamese platoon commander Nguyen Van Quy, 52, points at the Kontum area of central Vietnam on a map showing in red where US wartime forces sprayed the toxic defoliant Agent Orange, in Hanoi 08 June 2007. When Nguyen Van Quy's platoon fought in the Vietnam War battlefields of Kontum in 1972, his soldiers moved through eery landscapes where the US defoliant Agent Orange had stripped bare the jungle. "All the big trees were dead, they had no leaves," the 52-year-old veteran remembers. "Only the new undergrowth was green. We saw big chemical drums, but at the time we didn't know what they were."Quy, who suffers from stomach cancer and other ailments he blames on dioxin exposure, was joining a delegation of the Vietnamese Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin travelling to the US to win compensation in a legal battle with 37 US companies that produced the herbicide. AFP PHOTO/ZELLER Frank (Photo credit should read Frank Zeller/AFP via Getty Images)
Hanoi, VIET NAM: To go with AFP story "Vietnam-US-military-health-AgentOrange,sched" by Frank Zeller Former North Vietnamese platoon commander Nguyen Van Quy, 52, points at the Kontum area of central Vietnam on a map showing in red where US wartime forces sprayed the toxic defoliant Agent Orange, in Hanoi 08 June 2007. When Nguyen Van Quy's platoon fought in the Vietnam War battlefields of Kontum in 1972, his soldiers moved through eery landscapes where the US defoliant Agent Orange had stripped bare the jungle. "All the big trees were dead, they had no leaves," the 52-year-old veteran remembers. "Only the new undergrowth was green. We saw big chemical drums, but at the time we didn't know what they were."Quy, who suffers from stomach cancer and other ailments he blames on dioxin exposure, was joining a delegation of the Vietnamese Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin travelling to the US to win compensation in a legal battle with 37 US companies that produced the herbicide. AFP PHOTO/ZELLER Frank (Photo credit should read Frank Zeller/AFP via Getty Images)
To go with AFP story "Vietnam-US-militar...
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Contact your local office for all commercial or promotional uses. Full editorial rights UK, US, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Canada (not Quebec). Restricted editorial rights elsewhere, please call local office.To go with AFP story "Vietnam-US-military-health-AgentOrange,sched" by Frank Zeller
AFP / Stringer
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June 08, 2007
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