(FILES): This January 20, 2005 file phot

(FILES): This January 20, 2005 file photo shows US President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush dancing on the US Presidential Seal during the Commander-in-Chief Inaugural Ball at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. The US capital is preparing to swirl with silk and sparkle with rhinestones as everyone from soldiers to Hollywood stars fetes Barack Obama's swearing-in at a bevy of inaugural balls. Ten of the hundreds of galas will be official balls hosted by Obama as he takes up the presidency on his inauguration day on January 20, 2008. AFP PHOTO / Files / Paul J. RICHARDS (Photo credit should read PAUL J.RICHARDS & BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP via Getty Images)
(FILES): This January 20, 2005 file photo shows US President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush dancing on the US Presidential Seal during the Commander-in-Chief Inaugural Ball at the National Building Museum in Washington, DC. The US capital is preparing to swirl with silk and sparkle with rhinestones as everyone from soldiers to Hollywood stars fetes Barack Obama's swearing-in at a bevy of inaugural balls. Ten of the hundreds of galas will be official balls hosted by Obama as he takes up the presidency on his inauguration day on January 20, 2008. AFP PHOTO / Files / Paul J. RICHARDS (Photo credit should read PAUL J.RICHARDS & BEHROUZ MEHRI/AFP via Getty Images)
(FILES): This January 20, 2005 file phot
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Contact your local office for all commercial or promotional uses. Full editorial rights UK, US, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Canada (not Quebec). Restricted editorial rights elsewhere, please call local office.== With AFP Story by Karin ZEITVOGEL: US-politics-inauguration-lifestyle-galas ==
AFP / Stringer
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Date created:
February 07, 2005
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