St. Nicholas Church

St. Nicholas' Church, Durham - interior, 1858. This church...[has] undergone a thorough repair, and been in part rebuilt...[to the] design of Mr. Pritchett, of Darlington...The patroness, Lady Frances Anne, Marchioness of Londonderry, placed £1000 at the disposal of the committee for restoring the chancel; and the committee then determined to rebuild, finding the structure in a much worse condition than when the restoration was first contemplated...It contains 650 sittings, all of which are to be cushioned and unappropriated. The style adopted throughout is the Late Decorated or Middle Pointed. The stone used...internally, [is] Caen. The chancel is separated from its aisles by handsome stone screens erected by the Durham Water Company in memory of their vice-chairman, Ralph Dixon, Esq. All the caps of the piers are carved, as well as the pulpit, desk, and font; and it is intended, when funds permit, to erect the reredos...The chancel-stalls have carved finials. The building is warmed by Haden's patent warm-air apparatus. The whole has been carried out under the superintendence of Mr. Pritchett, the architect, at a total outlay of nearly £5000. The mason and carver was Mr. W. E. Jackson; and the joiner, Mr. Robson'. From "Illustrated London News", 1858. Creator: Murray. (Photo by The Print Collector/Heritage Images via Getty Images)
St. Nicholas' Church, Durham - interior, 1858. This church...[has] undergone a thorough repair, and been in part rebuilt...[to the] design of Mr. Pritchett, of Darlington...The patroness, Lady Frances Anne, Marchioness of Londonderry, placed £1000 at the disposal of the committee for restoring the chancel; and the committee then determined to rebuild, finding the structure in a much worse condition than when the restoration was first contemplated...It contains 650 sittings, all of which are to be cushioned and unappropriated. The style adopted throughout is the Late Decorated or Middle Pointed. The stone used...internally, [is] Caen. The chancel is separated from its aisles by handsome stone screens erected by the Durham Water Company in memory of their vice-chairman, Ralph Dixon, Esq. All the caps of the piers are carved, as well as the pulpit, desk, and font; and it is intended, when funds permit, to erect the reredos...The chancel-stalls have carved finials. The building is warmed by Haden's patent warm-air apparatus. The whole has been carried out under the superintendence of Mr. Pritchett, the architect, at a total outlay of nearly £5000. The mason and carver was Mr. W. E. Jackson; and the joiner, Mr. Robson'. From "Illustrated London News", 1858. Creator: Murray. (Photo by The Print Collector/Heritage Images via Getty Images)
St. Nicholas Church
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Hulton Archive
Date created:
January 01, 1858
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