February 12, 2008. Sally Anderson and her daughter Grace were in the front yard of their Glendale h

February 12, 2008. Sally Anderson and her daughter Grace were in the front yard of their Glendale home. Steve Lopez is writing a column about government intruding in residents lives. The Anderson family ripped out their front lawn to save water because of the hot summers. They put in hard landscaping, drought tolerant plants and enlarged the driveway. The city now says they need to rip it out and put more green. The Anderson's are fighting it. (Photo by Glenn Koenig/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
February 12, 2008. Sally Anderson and her daughter Grace were in the front yard of their Glendale home. Steve Lopez is writing a column about government intruding in residents lives. The Anderson family ripped out their front lawn to save water because of the hot summers. They put in hard landscaping, drought tolerant plants and enlarged the driveway. The city now says they need to rip it out and put more green. The Anderson's are fighting it. (Photo by Glenn Koenig/Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)
February 12, 2008. Sally Anderson and her daughter Grace were in the front yard of their Glendale h
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Glenn Koenig / Contributor
Editorial #:
Los Angeles Times
Date created:
February 12, 2008
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