Cell Phone Icon on Black Button with White Rollover - stock illustration

Cell Phone Icon on Black Button with White Rollover. This vector icon has two variations. The first one on the left is dark gray with a black border and the second button on the right is white with a light gray border. The buttons are identical in size and will work perfectly as a roll-over combination.
Cell Phone Icon on Black Button with White Rollover. This vector icon has two variations. The first one on the left is dark gray with a black border and the second button on the right is white with a light gray border. The buttons are identical in size and will work perfectly as a roll-over combination.
Cell Phone  Icon on  Black Button with White Rollover
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Creative #:
License type:
DigitalVision Vectors
Max file size:
5500 x 2763 px (18.33 x 9.21 in) - 300 dpi - 579 KB
Upload date:
United States
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No release required